Chapter 44

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Maddox POV

"You're lucky Mads, a few stitches from lacerations are what I call an easy day." My team medic, Jade said, as I got up from the chair.

I felt good, my heart race had just gone back to normal and if anything, I just wanted to eat a greasy cheeseburger and then crash out on my bed.

"So, I'm still handsome?" I joke, as I feel my face, where Jade stitched, making her laugh and blush.


I looked at the time and saw it's only been thirty minutes since I laid eyes on Theo in the crowd, and since then he'd not left my mind, the way he looked at me, what he wore, and just how much he changed.

Theo looked good, healthy and bigger, the air around him felt different but the one thing that didn't change was his facial expressions, and the way he blushed when he looked at me, like nothing had changed.

I tried to hard not to get excited from seeing him, the moment I found him I wanted to go to him, apologise and start fresh from there, but my delusions were crushed the moment I saw the guy next to him.

Whoever this boyfriend was, I could see how much he liked Theo.

Could I fuck his life up once again just because I liked him?

Despite him being happy in his relationship, with his boyfriend? And because I was being a jealous, selfish fucking asshole?


I regretted the way I handled our breakup, and as much as I cared about Theo, thought about him, and wanted him to be only mine, I couldn't risk losing him a second time around.

That didn't stop me from thinking about him though, or wanting to see him again, if only just to look at him, perhaps talk to him, see how he's doing, what he's doing in his life, to hear from his own mouth if he was happy.

Theo wasn't that skinny, nerdy and shy kid anymore, he had gotten taller, he had fat and muscle on his bones, his clothes weren't hanging off him and his hair was short and perfectly styled, in truth, he looked sexy.

I wondered what else had changed about him, I couldn't stop myself as much as I hated myself for going this far.

"Good work guys." I say to my team, as they all pat me on the back, as we all head out into the hallway.

"Mads, you up for drinks?" One guy on my team asks, but I shake my head.

"I got plans, next time man." I said, not lying as I had an intimate date with a burger, and my bed.

I was so fucking tired, I couldn't think of partying when I was so consumed by what happened today, not just because I saw Theo, but the fact I fulfilled a lifelong dream I had dreamt of since I started kickboxing.

I'd defeated my idol, the guy who got me into professional kickboxing.

Once I say my 'byes' to my team, I go my own way towards my car, where I knew Aiden would be there, waiting for me.

Sure enough, once I step through the door and into the private underground parking lot, Aiden was leaning against my new card and on his phone, unaware of my presence.

I make my way over to him and think of how much the past two years have changed, not only with me, but my relationship with Aiden, especially after the whole Ross Kench mess.

Aiden sure enough came to me the day after Kench was arrested, and told me everything, and I mean everything, from the first time Kench approached him, to the resentment he felt towards me all these years, that he was holding back.

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