Chapter 46

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Maddox POV

It's been two days since the fight, and since that night I haven't had a moment alone.

Interviews, special event invitations and more, I know the drill by now and I know this isn't my first time being overwhelmed by it all, but it is my first time getting really annoyed with how it felt like I was being pulled on all ends, without escape.

I couldn't go out for a run, because press would follow me, and because of my win, my name and face were recognizable more than ever since I broke up with Carly, and the rumours surrounding why I ended things days before the fight.

While I have had my life flipped upside-down multiple times during these past few days, Carly had managed to rise to her once high life of fame from all the attention from my win.

She's spent every waking moment telling anyone with a wide wallet and a bigger audience reach about our relationship together, from the food I liked to how long we had sex for, it was fucking betrayal.

Least the only thing she got right was my dick size, the rest of the shit that came from her mouth was just that- shit, and it was all because I wouldn't fuck her before my big fight.

Dating Carly was a mistake from the get go, I fucked her because she took my mind off things, and the moment she started asking for more is when I felt the relationship break down, because I didn't want more, and I made sure she knew from the moment I met her.

It wasn't all bad though, despite the last few days feeling as though I was run over by a truck, my sore muscles and my ribs bruised from the fight, I was actually in a pretty good fucking mood.

Why? Some may ask... well, that's because not only is things looking up for me, but I also got some good news.

News I shouldn't be happy about, but was anyways.

Theo had ended things with his 'boyfriend', whatever the hell his name was.

At first when Tony mentioned it when I saw him the day after my fight, I thought 'none of my business' but then I felt like it had to do something with me.

He looked good, happy, and better when I saw him at my fight, but I also saw the way he looked at me, like I looked at him, like things weren't over, like they were far from over.

Theo ended things because he must've felt the same, and because of that, I haven't stopped fucking smiling.

I wanted to see him.

I really wanted to talk to him.

There was just one problem with that, and a problem I've been struggling with since his graduation.

What if all this was in my head? And Theo not only doesn't want to see, or talk to me, but that he'd never forgive me for ending it with him.

I knew the moment I saw him that I would explain everything to him, all of it, Ross Kench and the talk with Aiden that led me to end things with him, I'd come out with everything I felt and tell him I only did it to protect him.

Things had changed now, I thought back then that Theo would struggle if our relationship got out, I never once thought he'd come out gay by himself, and because I underestimated his character, I ruined the relationship out of fear.

Theo wasn't scared of being seen for who he was, me on the other hand...

I might be a world champion kickboxer, but I was a fucking coward compared to Theo, a guy 10 years younger than me.

The past two years I thought a lot about why, I didn't care what people thought of me, but I cared about my reputation and how the public saw me, because unlike Theo, I was never getting out of this life, it was too late for me.

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