Chapter 56

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Maddox POV

...I... soon ....Ma..ddox....

Forcing open my eyes, a loud beeping surrounds me as I try to look around, my eyes not fully adjusted as all I saw was white, my heart hammering against my chest painfully as I tried to look around.

Where was I? I didn't recognise this room, and for some reason my whole body ached in pain, I couldn't move my arms or my legs and it felt as though something heavy was weighing me down, making it difficult to move.

"Sir, please calm down." A voice said, as I felt them touch my hand.

My vision was coming back, and the first thing I saw was a ceiling, and then I saw a face, someone I didn't know but who was dressed up like a doctor.

A doctor? Wha-

Then suddenly, like a crushing wave falling upon my body, it all came crashing back to me, from the moment I left my apartment, to the moment I laid my eyes on her, and then the gun pointing at me as she pulled the trigger.

Pixie shot me.

She shot me and then she-

The heartrate monitor hooked up to the machine near the bed I laid on started to beep, but I couldn't focus on it as I looked down at my body, not knowing if my worst nightmare had come true.

I was wrapped in bandages, fresh ones, and from how much I was in pain, I'd say that I wasn't dead just yet, but I was definitely in the hospital, and I was alive, but what I didn't know was how bad it was.

"W-Where is she?" I asked, despite how painful it hurt to talk, like acid was being poured down my throat.

The nurse looked at me with an expression I couldn't read as I heard someone else come into the room, when I turned my gaze from the nurse, I saw that a doctor had entered the room I was in.

"Mr. Zane, I'm Chrisoph Renly, your doctor." He introduced himself, and came to stand near me, holding a clipboard, looking down at me.

"How are you feeling?"

How- How was I feeling? "Like... I got fucking s-shot." I forced out, an intense burning feeling in my chest making me wince in pain as my throat burned.

Fuck, it hurt so damn much to talk and move even the slightest.

"You're very lucky Mr. Zane, the bullets missed all your vital organs and went clean through your body, if the bullet was just an inch higher, we'd be having a very different conversation right now."

So, what he was saying was that I'm lucky? I didn't feel lucky, I felt like I just got shot and almost died because of a blast from my past coming back to haunt me, and take me to the grave, that's not lucky.

I felt cursed.

I thought that was all behind me, but seeing Pixie, her face was different but it was her, she looked as though she hadn't slept in days, which didn't make sense, because the last time I heard about her, she was doing good.

"T-The girl." I croaked out, trying my best to speak.

The doctor paused for a moment, turned around to look outside the large window from my room, I followed his eyes to where a few policemen stood, outside my room talking amongst themselves.

"Pixie Martin was found at the scene already deceased."

Did he- she, what? "D-Dead?" Pixie was dead?

"I'm afraid so, I'm sorry I cannot say anymore, if you're up to his, the police would like to ask you a few questions concerning what happened." He said, as I stared blankly at him.

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