Chapter 52

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Maddox POV

I didn't need to be a psychic to know something was wrong with Theo.

The moment we got back to his apartment after breakfast, it was like the air shifted between us and he was trying to stay as far away from me as possible.

I knew things were awkward, and I was trying to amend for the past, but the way he was acting was now starting to piss me off, because he wouldn't tell me what was wrong, even after I asked.

I was about to ask him again, but there was a knock on his door that stopped me from asking him.

"I'll uh... be right back." Theo said, getting up from the sofa as he walked past me and went for the front door.

I leaned back on the sofa and sighed out, rubbing my face as I thought about what I could do to make things better between us, after all, I had laid out my shit in front of him and shared something only a few people knew.

I told him about my shitty past, and I said I loved him.

It wasn't my finest moment, and quite honestly, I felt like a massive bitch for how I've handled everything so far, but there was one thing I was sure of, it was that this time would be different.

I just needed Theo to know how serious I was.

Just when I was about to grab my phone, I heard Theo snap out and telling someone to 'stop' which made me turn around and look to see what was going on.

"I'm not stupid Theo, you've been lying to me this whole time!" A voice I didn't recognise cried out.

"I thought you loved me; w-we could've been happy!" The guy screamed.

What the fuck was going on?

I stood up to see what was happening, and once I left the living room to look down the hallway, I saw a guy around Theo's age, and build, crying his eyes out by the doorway as Theo held his head in his hand, looking troubled.

In that moment, I took a wild guess and had a thought about what was going on right now.

Theo turned around and saw me, his eyes wide and nervous, then I saw the other guy, who I was starting to recognise from two nights ago, as he looked from Theo to me, tears falling down his eyes.

"Is everything okay here, Theo?" I asked, coming closer to Theo as I walk down the hall to the front door.

Looking at the guy now, I see that he was most likely Theo's ex, from the way he's looking at me, and crying pathetically whilst his hand held onto Theo's arm.

"I... I k-know you." The guy, who no doubt was Arthur, muttered, as he looked at me in confusion.

I'd find this awkward if I wasn't used to this type of reaction, having been in this situation more than once, I was used to people hating me, especially in the past when a guy would show up randomly whilst I was at their fans place, having a one-night stand with them.

I should feel bad, but I felt nothing, I knew I was a bastard and most likely caused Theo to break this guy's heart, but I also knew I wasn't the full cause of their relationship to crumble either.

"Arthur... just go home." Theo sighed, gripping Arthur's hand and shoving it off his arm. "We already talked about this."

Arthur snorted, then looked at me and glared. "Y-Yeah, that was then, now I see you here... with him!"

"H-How long have you a-and Theo been fucking behind my back?" He asked me, as I stared plainly at the guy.

Ha... I didn't want to do this, but he was ruining my quality time with Theo, and possibly ruining my chances at winning him back.

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