Chapter 24

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Maddox POV

Seeing Theo with a new haircut, and wearing clothes that looked more like him, I couldn't help but think how good he looked now.

Hell, even when he wore those crap t-shirts with his bed hair, I thought he still looked good, but now, I could clearly see his face, and every single beauty mark and freckle I didn't notice before today.

All he needed was that hair cut to see that Theo was a good-looking guy, shy, timid and not always present in the moment but either way, he looked more confident to me, with his head held high.

I really wanted to kiss him, if not for the people surrounding us.

"Is this really, ok?" Theo whispers as I look down to see what he was talking about.

We were in a sports shop, and after persuading him to join 'No Limits' again, I thought it was time he had his own gym clothes, instead of lending the hand me down gym clothes I gave him, that were a size too big for his skinny body.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." I couldn't help but laugh. "How do they feel?"

No outfit was complete without the perfect trainers, and Theo had picked out a pair of Nike white and red trainers that were similar to the ones I wore at the gym, he was currently standing up to walk around in them.

"U-Um, they're good, I think?" He mumbled, a blush on his cheeks.

We've only been out together for an hour, and so far, he's said the same thing to everything he's tried on, 'they're good, I think' I was sure if he said those words again, I'd lose my mind on him.

"We'll take them." I tell the staff worker, a girl the same age as Theo.

She nods her head shyly as Theo takes them off and hands them to the girl, then starts to put his beat-up trainers on that he brought with him from his house.

"Maddox, isn't this too much?" Theo asked, as I shrugged, Theo following behind me as I walk to pay for everything we bought.

What I've spent on Theo in the past two hours was nothing compared to what I spent on clothes, if anything at all, from all the sponsors I have giving me free clothes, shoes and gifts, with the money I had, it didn't even make a scratch in my bank account.

Since I persuaded Theo to join the gym again, I made a note to buy things he would need for training when I'm not there, all these things will come in handy when he works out, which I know it's something he's invested in.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, using my card to pay for the young girl behind the counter, whilst noticing the time on my smartwatch.

"I have thirty minutes before I need to drop you off, we can grab a bite on the way to Chris's."

Theo stood timidly, and despite being uncomfortable with me in public, especially when people stopped me to shake my hand and ask for a selfie, he kept his composure and silently watched, instead of walking away embarrassed.

Even now, Theo was holding it in, but I knew what he really fought from the look on his face, as much as he tried to hide it.

I never thought I'd find it amusing after seeing how jealous a guy can get, definitely over me, I hated when girls got clingy, and jealous from the times I used to mess around before I got professional, I always ignored it then.

Theo was the jealous type too, that much was obvious from the young girls' stares, and using every given opportunity to touch me, I let it happen just to see his little nostrils flare as he glared at the poor girl.

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