Chapter 42

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Maddox POV

It was fight night, and I felt more pumped up than usual.

After I spoke with Clary about our relationship and how things currently were, it came to my attention that I wasn't the only one feeling like this relationship was working, and as much as I wanted to try and make it work with her, it was hard to argue with how I really felt.

Clary and I broke things off two hours later, because who was I kidding? I wasn't making her happy and I didn't want to make her miserable with my shit, and my schedule that clashed with hers.

We came to the point where we both agreed that we only had sex between us, and no feelings, which I didn't disagree with, I had tried to be good to her, but the connection I felt with Theo wasn't there when I was with Clary.

I hoped things wouldn't come to this, but it always does, and I was just surprised we lasted this long before I somehow fucked it up, or before we both grew apart.

As much as I felt like a bastard for thinking, but the moment the left my penthouse I felt the happiest I've ever been since I started seeing her, which isn't fair, I felt like a dick as soon as the thought came to mind.

Clary was perfect for me in every way, everyone thought so, but that was the problem, I couldn't find anything wrong with her, and for some reason it bugged me that everything she did was flawless, and whatever she said was right.

In the end, all I got from the relationship with her was sex, and even then, I felt like something was missing.

"Hey man the crowd out there is wild, we're a full house." Jordan said, coming into the room, his face covered in sweat.

"Mhmm." I mumbled, wrapping my hands in tape as I cleared my head of Carly, and started focusing on tonight's fight.

Victor Geoff was my opponent tonight.

He was a big name in kickboxing, when I first started I looked up to Victor as he was the only fighter who made it look fun, I became a fan and watched him fight whenever I could, so tonight meant a lot to me, that I got to go against someone I've looked up to since I was a brat.

I needed to get my head straight though, this shit with Carly couldn't have ended at a more perfect time, as bad as it sounds, if I was still with her, I'd be losing my mind out there, I just knew it.

Going up against Geoff got my blood pumping, and because of that I was hyped to get out there and do my thing the only way I knew how.

"Oh, did you hear whose here tonight?" Jordan asks, as I look at him and shrug.

Lots of people were here tonight, the fight sold out in hours the moment the tickets went live, I knew big name celebrities were here tonight to watch this fight go down, it was a fight not only I was buzzed about, but many other people too.

"Theo's here." He announced, as I felt my whole-body flinch.

...... Huh?


Theo was here? 

Did I hear him right or was I seriously still out of my mind because of who I'm minutes from going up against.

"Yeah, you know, Theo." He laughed. "I just saw Tony and he said he gave him tickets on Thursday after their session together, brought his boyfriend too."

It felt like a gold bucket of ice water was poured over my head as I pondered what just left his mouth, my stomach twisted painfully as I looked away from Jordan's face and down at my hands, that were starting to sweat.

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