Chapter 39

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Theo's POV

Two years later. . .

As my day came to an end, I felt relieved that I managed to finish all my work and sent it in before the deadline.

Four months of late nights and coffee binging, I finally had time off from the project my team and I were working on, it was our second big project, and with our name finally out there, we couldn't mess it up.

Leaning back in my chair, I rub my face and sigh out, then look at the time to see that it's 3 in the morning, and I desperately needed a shower.

Turning my PC off, I grabbed my things and made my way out of the office, before loosening my tie, everyone had already left hours ago, and since I was the last one here, I had to lock up before I left.

Locking up, I head out to the parking lot and unlock my car, seeing the headlights flash ahead of me, and the car beep as I opened the door to my car, and got inside.

How long has it been since I got time to myself? It feels as though all I do these days is work and eat instant noodles, it wasn't ideal, but this was the cost of having a job I only dreamt of when I was back in high school.

I was fortunate enough to land a job straight out of university, as a game programmer I couldn't complain, the money was great and the job gave me freedom to choose what jobs I wanted to take on, and which ones I didn't.

I had my own small team, but it was perfect, everything felt like how it should be at a job, I showed up, did my job, and left with a smile on my face every single day.

Driving home, it didn't take me longer than twenty minutes from the office, and once I park the car, I head for my apartment building and start walking towards the elevator, to get to my apartment on the sixth floor.

I leaned against the wall of the elevator and closed my eyes to destress myself before I headed inside my apartment, not wanting to bring my work life home, this was a ritual of mine to live a happy life, not only at home and work, but also in my relationship.

That's when I wonder if he's awake...

Unlocking my apartment door, I head inside and lock it again, all the lights are off, so I knew that he was fast asleep in our bed, as he probably got home two hours ago and was equally tired.

Quietly, I walk into the bedroom and see him fast asleep, cuddling his pillow with half the blanket off him, he looked funny when he was asleep, with his mouth open, and naked with nothing but socks on.

Arthur Jones... my boyfriend of six months.

I take off my clothes and head into the bathroom for a quick shower before I get into bed and get some much-needed sleep, it takes me twenty minutes to wash, and brush my teeth before I head back into the bedroom, to climb into bed and under the blanket.

"Mmmh... Theo?" Arthur mumbles, as I wrap my arm around his waist, as I laid down next to him.

"Yeah, it's me... go back to sleep." I softly said, as he hummed out and instantly went back to sleep, leaving me laying there as I got lost in my thoughts.

It was times like this, that I couldn't help but think about the past, and how far I've come and how much I've changed since then... since him.

Maddox Zane...

I've not seen him since that day, the day he broke up with me, as days went by, I knew that it was finished between us, then as months went by, I started to persuade myself that it was all probably for the best.

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