Chapter 32

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Maddox POV

10 minutes ago

"Come on Theo, walk properly we're almost there." I tell him, as his head hangs low over my shoulder as he mumbles incoherent words.

How the fuck did we end up here? He was fine the moment up until I got him inside my car, and now he could barely walk, all from a little alcohol.

I thought it was amusing, he had only five drinks and he was like this, but I see now that I probably should've stopped him from having more than two, because if he's like this from just five drinks... he shouldn't be allowed to drink.

We didn't even have to use our break away code 'Oxy', because little did I know that Theo was actually a massive lightweight.

I made it back to my penthouse, with Theo on my back, awake but not fully all there as he started rubbing himself on me, and his hot breath tickling my neck as I walked into my place, locking the door behind me.

"I'm... hot." Theo said lazily, lifting his head back to try and take his t-shirt off, despite still being on my back.

He almost falls as I quickly grab hold of him from cracking his head on the wood floor, causing Theo to start giggling, like it was the funniest thing, despite how I almost shit myself from how clumsy he is.

Jesus, Theo, this is the last fucking time he's touching alcohol around me, that I knew for sure.

I carried him to my bedroom and put him on the edge of my bed and helped his t-shirt off, to which he sighed out heavily with a lazy smile on his face, then he starts fumbling with the buttons of his trousers.

I had to laugh, because this was not how I expected today to go, but if I knew this was how it would end up, I probably would've done it sooner, just to see this side of him.

"H-Help me..." He groaned out dramatically, as I chuckled and kneeled down to unbutton his trousers, not missing the way his hooded eyes looked at me as he raised his hand.

Theo reached out and put his hand in my hair, I don't know if he knew what he was doing, but he kept running his fingers through my hair while looking at me as I pulled down his trousers.

"You're mine." He suddenly said, making me freeze at how possessive it sounded, despite the innocent look on his face, his cheeks red with a blush.

I bite back a smile as I go to get up, but Theo grabs hold of my hand, making me look at him to see him biting his bottom lip, with his hooded eyes looking at me.

"Theo, you should drink something, I'll go get you some water."

"N-No!" Theo pulled me roughly, stopping me from getting up as he pulled me over him until I was on top of a proud looking Theo, smiling cheekily up at me.

"I... I want you to touch me Maddox." He said, raising his hips to press his erection against my jeans as his hand reaches out to my face, his fingertips touching my lips as his eyes never left mine.

"W-With your mouth."

Jesus... fucking Christ, what was he saying to me now?

"Theo, you're drunk." I had to resist; he wasn't fully sure of what he was saying.

He shook his head and raised both his hands and put them back in my hair and gently nudged my head down as I could do nothing but stare at him in pure amazement.

This guy... really has no fucking idea what he's asking, and I'm seriously about to snap and devour him if he doesn't stop right now, because my cock is coming alive and soon it's going to be very hard to stop myself.

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