Chapter 48

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Maddox POV

Kissing, and touching Theo felt like I finally got that missing piece back, and after two years, it felt fucking good.

I wanted to devour him whole as the same sensation and feeling overcame me, just like last time two years ago, when I first kissed him, I wanted to go further, and taste more of him.

He didn't push me away, he kissed me back and, in the process, we had started each other's clothes off, whilst we kept feverishly kissing each other, until I was feeling his naked chest on mine.

Pulling back to catch my breath, I saw the need in his eyes as he tried to catch his own breath, I took this moment to truly admire just how different Theo looked now, and how much sexier he was.

His chest was wider, and he finally had meat on his bones, and as much as I liked Theo how he was two years ago, this new Theo was also not bad, in fact, I have been solid hard the moment I pressed my lips to his.

Even after all these years, I was still turned on by this guy.

I wanted him so bad; it was hard to control just how badly I wanted him.

His blushed face, parted lips, his hazy eyes shyly looking at me, fuck, I never knew how much I missed this until I didn't have him anymore, but now that he's in front of me, it terrifies me.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked as I moved off him and went to stand up.

I only had my sweatpants on, as did Theo by the time that I stood up, and reached out to pull him up with me, only I didn't let go off his hand when he got to his feet, I kept it in mine and stared at it.

He's grown so much since the last time I saw him; I didn't realize just how much I missed because I was too much of a selfish coward to tell him anything about me, and the reason why I ended things in the first place.

I didn't come here to have sex with him, it's not why I wanted to see him.

This time, I wanted to let him in, to give him a chance to say whether he wanted to stay with me or go, I wouldn't manipulate him like last time.

"I... I was blackmailed two years ago." I came out with it, as I watched Theo, as his face dropped in a frown.

"What?" He asked, confused, as I tightened my hand in his.

"Two years ago... somebody I know got out of prison and somehow found out about you, they threatened to ruin your life unless I did what they wanted." I forced out, while thinking back to the day, and how sick with guilt I was.

"I didn't leave you because I wanted to, Theo, I just didn't want to make your life any harder than it already was."

Theo remained quiet as his eyes slowly moved from mine to stare at my hand grasped tightly in his, inches from me I watched his expressions change multiple times as I thought back to the day I spoke to Ross, the day everything got messed up.

"Why..." His voice came out quiet, as I watched him silently.

He looked at me and I saw the hurt in his eyes. "You... you could have told me, I-I could've helped, I-"

"No." I smiled sadly and admired how pretty his face still was. "You deserved a chance at a happy life Theo, I wasn't going to risk involving you in my shit and in the process, ruin your life."

Theo's eyes hardened and then he suddenly pulled his hand from mine. "Ruin MY life?" He scoffed.

Theo turned around and sighed heavily, and ran his fingers through his hair as he laughed out, before freezing and turning around to look at me, the same look as earlier, hurt, and betrayal in his eyes.

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