Chapter 22

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Maddox POV

The moment I stepped into the club, I thought of all the ways I could kill a certain someone.

Jordan just had to phone me, of all the people on my cousin's team, or the people he chooses to hang around with, Aiden just had to ask for me instead, on a night like tonight.

I should be home, in my warm bed, not surrounded by drunk people with music blasting from the stereos, but here I was, pushing through the crowd while keeping hands from touching me.

This was the last time I was going to do this for him, I was damn sure going to tell him that the moment I laid eyes on my pathetic excuse for a cousin, who doesn't know how to control himself.

Once I got further into the club, I noticed a crowd around a table and something told me that he was there, from the shouting and the drunk yelling I could hear from the dancefloor, so I made my way over.

From the looks of it, someone was fighting but I couldn't tell from where I was, but I did recognise a voice, that could be nobody else other than Jordans, yelling a name I knew all too well.

Once I got close enough, I pushed people out of my way by dragging them back, until I reached the front, and got a look at what was happening.

"YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!" Aiden yelled at another guy, twice the size of him, who stood unfazed by Aiden's presence.

What is this fucking idiot doing now?

"Aiden." I grabbed hold of him, people now aware I was here, and who I was.

Aiden's drunk, furious gaze landed on me, before his face shifted into a happy, go lucky one, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Cousin!"

"You're in for it now, bitch." He spat out at the bigger man, who clenched his fists on either side of him. "Do you know who he is, huh?" Aiden continued to taunt the man.

"Come on, you're fucking drunk." I couldn't deal with this right now, all I wanted to do was to kick his ass myself, for embarrassing himself, and dragging me all the way here for him.

"What?" He looked at me, scoffing. "But I just got here, Mads!"

"Run along pussy boy, go home with your boyfriend." The bigger guy says to Aiden, looking at me.

Any night, I'd not even say a word, I would just throw fists and smack some sense into him, but I didn't do that anymore, and right now, it wasn't worth the trouble teaching not only my cousin some manners, buy a complete stranger.

"Look, I'm taking him home, I'll pay for your drinks tonight so let's just calm down." I tell him, standing with his friends who laugh out.

"I don't want your money, pretty boy, he attacked my brother, he deserves what I'm about to do to him." He snapped out, hinting to the younger guy standing next to him, grinning from ear to ear.

"That's him Mads, the shit who hit your boy." Aiden said to me, as I tried to understand what he was telling me.

I looked at the younger boy and noticed he was wearing a high school football jacket, from the same school Theo went to and would be graduating from soon, the guy had a bruise on his cheek, from where Aiden hit him

"...Maddox Zane?" I hear my voice come from his mouth, his eyes widening before he leans to his brother and whispered something.

"So, you're a pro fighter?" He hummed out. 

"This has nothing to do with you man, my beef is with your friend there, he hit my brother and I'm not going to drop that shit until I break his nose."

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