Chapter 47

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Theo's POV

Theo... what the hell are you doing right now?

Only minutes ago, I was saying goodbye to Arthur as he came to collect the rest of his stuff from my apartment, it's been minutes and I'm already losing my damn mind as my body moved like it had a mind of its own.

I thought today couldn't get any worse, I felt like the biggest asshole alive because of what I did to Arthur, and watching him go with tears in his eyes, not saying anything to me, made me feel horrible.

I expected him to hit me, yell at me, something, anything other than come to collect his things with his best friend, and then just leave, but it's not like I can be mad about it, after-all, I told him the truth.

The moment Arthur left, I couldn't help but feel I made a mistake, after just seeing Maddox once in two years, I somehow went backwards from all the progress I made on my own, just from seeing him from afar.

Then the moment that door closed, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

It was his number.

Two years ago, I stared at his number for hours, I had memorized it because of that so even deleting his number from my phone didn't really mean anything, so when I saw that number come up on my screen, I froze.

The next thing I knew I was outside the gym 'No Limits' and waiting for him to come meet me.

Of all places to meet like this, it had to be the first place we met each other, I thought it was poetic in a way that only Maddox could pull off.

The moment I entered the underground gym, where we trained together two years ago, I felt like the moment I opened those doors he'd be there, just waiting for me, but to my surprise, and thankfully my heart, nobody was inside.

I felt sick, nauseous and completely nervous, my hands were shaking and my heart felt like it was trying to escape my body from how tense, and nervous I felt, just waiting here for him.

Two years, and he's contacting me now... it felt... weird... like nothing had changed as I stood there, letting the memories come flooding back.

I was excited to see him, but I also had no idea what to say to him, he always did make me feel like that, but now it was different, we both changed and Maddox... he's more out of reach than before.

So, why now?

I heard footsteps before I saw him, and even without turning around as I stared at the boxing ring in front of me, I knew that someone had opened the doors, and had come inside.

Swallowing hard, I slowly turned around and lowered my hoodie from my head, and once my eyes met his, I felt like a lump was stuck in my throat.

Maddox Zane.

There he was, in the flesh, standing before me.

I couldn't believe it.

"I didn't think you'd come." He said, his deep voice filling the large empty space of the gym.

God, his voice, the voce I've only heard from TV for the past two years, I was now more anxious than ever, and for whatever reason, I couldn't think of what to say back, as I stared at him.

He was still the same, only now he looked even better than before.

Maddox slowly walked over to me as I watched him watching me as his eyes slowly checked me over, a small smile playing on his lips as I swallowed the dryness in my mouth.

"Yeah..." I looked away from him, my heart banging loudly against my chest. "Me neither."

Maddox stopped once he stood beside me, we were both standing near the ring in the middle of the room, and as he came to stand next to me, I hated how I couldn't help loving the way he smelled, walked and talked.

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