6) There's no place like homecoming

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Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Ava were at Aria's up in Aria's room seeing her laying down on her bed. "Hey" Emily said snapping Aria out of it.

"What are you doing" Aria asked. "An intervention" Spencer said.

"We brought takeout and rag mags" Emily said. "But you cannot have any of those until you get out of these sweats" Hanna said and Aria sat up.

"Why what's wrong with these" Aria asked. "Nothing much" Ava said. "Except they're starting to graft to your skin" Spencer said. "Well, they're comfy" Aria said.

"Yeah, so are mom jeans and platform flip flops" Hanna said. "Plus, how are we gonna help you choose a homecoming dress if you don't try some on for us" Emily asked.

"Yeah, you could be my plus one considering I don't have a date" Ava said. "Oh, that's easy I'm not going" Aria said.

"What do you mean you're not going" Hanna asked. "Yeah, you can't just not go" Spencer said.

"What are you doing instead" Emily asked. "I don't know I guess I'll just read these and then inhale a gallon of chunky monkey" Aria said.

"Hey look cutting yourself off from the rest of your life is not gonna help your parents and besides they still might work it out" Spencer said.

"They're barely speaking to each other" Aria said. "People get angry they blow up doesn't mean it's over" Emily said. "Emily, they didn't blow up over her dad missing their anniversary he slept with one of his students" Hanna said.

"Hanna" Ava said. "Sorry" Hanna said. "I'm just saying things can look over on Friday and by Monday is all forgiven some things just take time" Emily said. "Yeah maybe" Aria said.

"Okay so you're coming come on" Spencer said. "I'll think about it" Aria said getting up.

"Well if you're not coming can you at least cast an absentee ballet" Hanna asked and they all looked at her. "What I need her vote" Hanna said.

"Hanna stop already you've got homecoming queen locked down" Spencer said. "Really you can rig the election" Hanna asked.

"Sorry I have enough to do already thanks I'm head of the committee half of which is out sick with the flu, so I'll be restocking the ice and refilling the hummus bowl and trying to look cute for my first official date" Spencer said.

"With Alex" Emily asked. "Wait you're bringing him to homecoming" Aria asked.

"So, this is real" Aria said and Spencer blushed. "Look at her blush" Hanna said. "Never thought we see that look on the Spencer Hastings" Ava said. "Stop" Spencer said.

"Now I have to come" Aria said. "But seriously you guys he's not gonna know anybody there so" Spencer said.

"Can you just do your best to make him feel included" Spencer asked. "No, we were planning on freezing him out" Hanna said sarcastically. "Alright moving on" Ava said.

"Em who are you gonna bring" Spencer asked. "I think I'm gonna go stag" Emily said. "I will too" Aria said. "Great me too" Ava said.

"You could ask Mike you guys are best friends I'm sure he'd love to take you" Aria said and Ava gave her a look. "Yeah, gotta agree besides I'm sure he'd go with you I'm not sure if there's one thing, he wouldn't do for you" Hanna said.

"Guys it's fine I'll just hang with Emily I'm not asking Mike besides I'm sure he has plans" Ava said. "Fine I'll ask for you" Aria said leaving.

"Wait Aria no Aria" Ava said but Aria had already left. After a minute or so Aria came back and sat on the bed. "He said he'll take you your welcome" Aria said. "I hate you" Ava said. "No, you don't" Aria said.

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