21) Monsters in the end

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Ava, Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily were all at the grill after Spencer informed them what happened.

"Do you think somebody rubbed that sweater on your bracelet" Aria asked Spencer. "Somebody" Emily asked. "Try Ian he's doing everything he can to make you look guilty your parents should hire you a 24-hour bodyguard" Emily said.

"I still don't know how you can stand being in that house" Ava said.

"What about Jenna what if she paid Caleb to get that bracelet" Aria asked. "Wait, when was Caleb in Spencer's house" Emily asked.

"He doesn't need an invitation Em he broke into a vending machine with a spork" Aria said and Ava saw Hanna's expression. "Guys maybe we should cool it with the Caleb talk" Ava said.

"Guys I think somebody's watching us" Spencer said and they looked. "Those they're for the founder's festival" Emily said.

"Talk about creepy" Ava said. "Man, if that's what Rosewood's founding family looked like how did they ever get anyone to move here" Aria asked. "And why we're they allowed to reproduce" Spencer asked. "Guys if Caleb was" Emily said.

"Emily" Ava said. "Could we stop using the C word" Hanna asked.

"We know this is hard for you okay, but we have to talk about Ca, him" Aria told Hanna. "If we wanna help Spencer we have to know what Caleb knows" Emily said.

"Guys there's definitely somebody out there" Spencer said. "Maybe if Emily and I cornered Caleb not in school but somewhere that's Jenna free" Aria said.

"If Caleb's gonna talk to anyone it's gonna be me" Hanna said. "Will you do it" Emily asked.

"To help Spencer sure" Hanna said. "Are you sure" Ava asked and Hanna nodded. "Thanks Hanna" Spencer said.

They all got up to leave when Emily and Ava noticed Spencer stayed. "Spencer, are you going" Emily asked. "Yeah" Spencer said. "Come on its nothing" Ava said and they left the grill.


Ava was getting ready to head off when Toby came over. "You, leaving" Toby asked.

"Yeah, Mona's picking me up" Ava said. "Hey, have you heard from Spencer" Toby asked. "No not since last night" Ava said, and Toby nodded. "Hey, I'm sure everything is fine" Ava said. "I hope so" Toby said.

"Hey if it helps, I like you two together" Ava said and Toby smiled. "Thanks sis" Toby said and Ava smiled. "Are you hungry" Toby asked.

"No, I'm fine if I get hungry, I'll grab something on the way" Ava said. "Okay see you soon" Toby said and Ava nodded before she left.


Mona and Hanna went over to Hanna's before school. "Knock, knock" Mona said when she and Ava walked in.

"In here Mona" Hanna said and Mona and Ava went in the kitchen. "Morning Ms. M" Mona said to Ashley. "Morning" Ava said. "Hi" Ashley said. "Ooh can I steal some of that coffee" Mona asked.

"Ugh coffee" Ava said. "Sure" Ashley said, and Mona and Ava went over to her while Ashley filled up Mona's cup.

"Is sketchy boy gone for good" Mona asked Hanna. "Mona" Ava said. "Yes, Mona he's gone" Hanna said. "You girls ready" Hanna asked. "Yeah" Ava said.

"Hanna can I just say something" Mona asked. "This is all my fault" Mona said. "What" Hanna said.

"Mona what are you talking about" Ava asked.  "I knew he was gonna disappoint you in a major way and I blame myself for not stepping up to protect you" Mona said.

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