11) I must confess

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Aria, Ava, and Spencer all met up with Hanna after Emily disappeared last night without her phone.

"Yeah, we weren't sure we just thought that maybe she yeah thanks" Spencer said hanging up. "She's not at swim practice" Spencer said.

"No, I told you she's not allowed near the pool" Aria said. "Well then where is she" Ava asked.

"Guys all of her clothes are here" Aria said. "Do you think she did something crazy" Aria asked.

"Like what" Spencer asked. "Like jump in her car and burn rubber till she hits Texas" Aria said. "And leave everything behind" Spencer asked. "She didn't even take her phone" Spencer said.

"I wouldn't either if I were her, I mean A had his, her, it's hands around her neck and keeps reminding her" Aria said.

"Imagine how she probably feels right now she's probably scared out of her mind I know I would be" Ava said. "I mean she hasn't slept in weeks" Hanna said. "Who has" Aria asked.

"Definitely not me I be surprised if any of you got any rest since this A psycho started messing with us" Ava said. "Hanna did you not see this" Spencer asked seeing a photo and Ava and Hanna looked.

"Is that you" Hanna asked Aria. "Yeah of course it's me" Aria said. "Well unless you're Aria's mom just assume it's Spencer you know sluttin it up" Spencer said.

"It could be worse" Ava said. "Wait when did she get that" Aria asked and Spencer looked.

"3.07 AM and it came with a text clue Ella in, and I'll let you out A" Spencer said. "Give me this" Aria said taking the phone.

"Look Aria chill okay Emily would never send that to your mother" Hanna said.

"Yeah, Aria, she would never hurt you on purpose" Ava said.

"Well of course she wouldn't because she can't cause we have her phone and she left it in the middle of the night" Spencer said. "Okay we get it but seriously where is she" Ava asked.


Ava, Hanna. Spencer, and Aria were in Dr Sullivan's office hoping Emily would show up.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Anne answered it. "Hi, I'm ready to talk" Emily said. "Good come in and join us" Anne said. 

Emily was confused until she walked in and saw the girls and Anne closed the door. "Your friends have been worried about you" Anne said. "Em why didn't you at least wake me" Hanna asked.

"I was sleeping at least five feet away from you" Hanna said. "I can't keep asking my friends to take care of me" Emily said.

"Emily look if you were seriously thinking about going to Texas you" Aria said.

"I didn't have any plans I just knew that the longer I stayed here the worse it was gonna get and I'm not gonna be used like a bowling ball to knock down my best friends" Emily said.

"That's why we stick together to get through this together it's what friends do Em" Ava said.

"Emily we're sitting here because of you none of us think that you" Spencer said. "That I'm the weakest link yeah well somebody else does" Emily said.

"Who who's using you to knock down your friends" Anne asked. The girls all looked at each other and stayed silent for a moment.

"Guys we need to tell her we already said so much" Ava said. "Somebody that's been trying to hurt us for a long time" Spencer said.


"When did these threats begin did the texts start coming after Alison's funeral" Anne asked. "Before" Emily said. "At first we thought they were coming from Alison" Aria said.

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