14) she's better now

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Ava was asleep in her bed at the loft when she felt a breeze. She woke up quickly sitting up and nearly screamed but stopped once she saw who it was.

"Is it a bad time" Mona asked. "Mona what are you doing here" Ava asked. "Actually, scratch that how did you get in here" Ava asked again.

"Found your spare key and my doctors released me" Mona told her.

"In the middle of the night" Ava asked. "Hanna said the same thing look Ava I need your help okay your still my best friend" Mona said. "Your best friend who you ran over" Ava said.

It was quiet for a moment and Ava saw Mona looked guilty.

"Mona you're my best friend you're my sister how could you do this to me why would you do this to me" Ava asked.

"I'm sorry" Mona said not really sure what to say and Ava looked down holding back a tear.

"Ava, I need your help please my parents are forcing me to go back to school and I'm so scared everyone knows what I've done, and I have no one in my corner even Hanna won't help please I need you" Mona said.

"Mona, you need to go before my brother finds you in here" Ava said. "Ava please" Mona said.

"Mona things can't just go back the way they were okay I'm sorry" Ava said. "Ava, I promise I've changed" Mona said.

"Mona, I mean it Toby could wake up any second and he will not be happy to see you here so I'm begging you to go" Ava said. Mona nodded and left quickly.


"Ava, you have a right to be upset we all do but Mona did care about you more than anyone" Hanna said to Ava while they were looking for Ava, Spencer, and Emily.

"Thanks Han but it still doesn't change anything" Ava said. "I know" Hanna said and Aria, Spencer, and Emily walked up to them.

"Hey, I thought you two were playing Mona's bodyguards" Aria said.

"I never said that Hanna maybe but not me" Ava said. "Okay I said I'd be around for her" Hanna said.

"I'm thinking maybe we all should be her friend I mean if Mona knows why Garrett died right after he, told that story about Aria' s dad" Emily said when Spencer stopped her.

"Stop" Spencer told Emily. "What's going on" Hanna asked.

"Nothing we're not gonna talk about that" Spencer said. "No, go ahead talk about it just do it when I'm not here" Aria said.

"Aria" Spencer said. "What's next are we all gonna start wondering if my dad was on the Halloween train too" Aria said. "What" Hanna said.

"You actually believe that my own dad would drug me and then lock me and Ava in a box" Aria said.

"Can we not be reminded of that please I'm still having dreams of it" Ava said and Aria left while the girls noticed Mon by the stairs. "Welcome to Mona 2.0" Spencer said.


"I heard Mona's back you gonna be okay" Mike asked.

"Yeah, besides I shouldn't really be upset I mean she hurt Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily more than me" Ava said.

"They're your friends you have every right to be upset she hurt your friends" Mike said.

"Maybe" Ava said and closed her locker.  "I'll see you later" Ava said and kissed Mike's cheek before heading to class.


"The check and balance system were established so that no branch could wield absolute power over another branch" Meredith said.

"Why do we think this was so important to our founding fathers" Meredith asked. "Aria" Meredith said getting Aria's attention. "What" Aria said.

"Look guys I don't know what Mrs. Grassyti's take was but while I'm here no phones in class" Meredith said. "I wasn't on my phone" Aria said.

"Yeah, you were" Meredith said and went to Aria. "Tell you what give it to me" Meredith said and Aria gave her, her phone.

"This way you won't even be tempted" Meredith said and went back to the front of the class.

"It was important to our founding fathers because they wanted to be sure that no one had absolute power" Meredith said and the bell rang.

"Aria, can you stay for a few minutes please" Meredith asked and Aria, Hanna, Ava, Spencer, and Emily stayed while everyone else left the class.

"I guess since you travel in a pack you can all stay just so we don't get off on the wrong foot let's be clear I have a job to do and if you ladies want to graduate so do you" Meredith said.

"Look I saw what you were texting you're in this class to discuss American history not mine got it" Meredith told Aria.

"Yeah" Ava said nodding and Meredith gave her, her phone back.

"Thank you have a nice day" Meredith said and the girls left the classroom.


Hanna caught up to Mona and as badly as Ava wanted to go to her, she couldn't so she stayed to the side and went to talk to Jason.

When suddenly she heard Mona gasp and turned around seeing the scene.

Mona grabbed the knife taking it out of the locker while everyone filmed her. Mona eventually found the trashcan and threw it in the trash.

Mona turned around causing everyone to back up and Mona tossed the knife in the trashcan.

Mona saw Lucas and went to him and whispered in his ear before grabbing her books shutting her locker and leaving.


"So, Mona's back" Toby said. "So, everyone keeps saying" Ava said. "How are you, you know since everything that happened" Toby asked.

"I'm fine" Ava said. "Ava" Toby said. "Toby, I get that you're worried, but I promise I'm fine" Ava said.

"Okay but you know it's okay not to be" Toby said. "I know" Ava said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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