19) The Naked Truth

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"That's what you got from Ali's claim ticket" Emily asked seeing a red coat. "A red coat" Ava asked. "That's what they gave me" Spencer said.

"So basically, you picked up her dry cleaning" Emily said. "I just can't ever picture Alison wearing this" Aria said. "Well picture Vivian Darkbloom" Spencer said.

"So now we're saying this Vivian dark person had her own wardrobe too" Emily asked. "Well, it makes sense if you don't want anyone catching on who you really are" Ava said.

"This is so weird" Emily said. "Can I touch it" Aria asked. "What do you think it's going to do snap at you" Ava asked.

"Yeah, it's a raincoat Aria it's not a mummy" Spencer said. "Where's Hanna" Spencer asked.

"She and her mom had to meet with Tamborelli before school" Emily said and Aria picked up the coat. "That's today poor Han" Ava said.

"Yeah, Kate's mom printed off that naked picture and she's threatening to sue she wants blood" Aria said.

"Hanna's" Emily said. "Yeah, probably mine too I'm the one who told her Kate used to be called boil n' baggies" Spencer said. "Who told A" Emily asked.

"Who tells A anything" Spencer asked. "That plan was probably in motion the moment Kate walked into school" Spencer said.

"Guys check it out" Aria said. "What is that" Spencer asked as they saw Aria with a piece of paper.

"It's a phone number" Aria said. "Whose" Spencer asked. "Uh there's no name" Aria said.

"Let's call it" Spencer said. "Okay stop now I feel like we're in a bad place" Emily said. "Em it's all gonna be okay" Ava said. "We're in my living room Emily we are holding a coat" Spencer said.

"Yeah, that belongs to someone who's no longer alive" Emily said. "Em how can we not call this" Aria asked.

"Okay whoever this is may have some answers" Aria said. "Like why on earth did Alison need to be the Vivian person" Aria asked. "Yeah, and who was Vivian meeting and why" Spencer asked.

"Em they have a point it could bring us closer to figuring out who killed her" Ava said.

"You think we're gonna find that out from a number in a pocket" Emily asked.

"Yeah, it's probably easier than hiring the fat lady with the tube top at the farmer's market who's gonna tell you your fortune but if you're too scared" Spencer said.

"I'm not scared" Emily said and dialed the number before putting it to her ear.

"Yeah, I don't know about our fortunes but that lady with the tube top makes really good apple butter" Aria said.

"Hello kay what if we know this person, what am I supposed to say" Emily asked. "It went to voicemail" Emily said. "Man or woman" Spencer asked.

"It's a computer" Emily said. "Give it to me" Aria said putting the coat down. "What are you gonna say" Ava asked.

"You can't just out and say hey we found your number in our dead best friend's coat" Ava said.

Aria took the phone from Emily before putting it to her ear.

"Hi um this is a friend of Vivian's can you just give me a call back on this number today it's really important thanks" Aria said before hanging up. "Now we just wait" Ava said.


Ava was at her locker when Mike saw her and went to her. "Hey Avs" Mike said before kissing her cheek.

"Hey" Ava said to him. "I got you something" Mike said. "What you didn't have to get me anything" Ava said.

"I know but I wanted to" Mike said and gave her a bouquet of roses. "Roses my favorite" Ava said and Mike smiled. "I love them" Ava said and put them in her locker.

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