13) the first secret

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Ava, Hanna, Aria, Emily, and Spencer were all walking together trying to figure out a costume for Hanna for Halloween. 

"So, what do you think Em should Hanna be Cute Britney or Bald Britney" Alison asked. "If she wants to be Cute Britney" Emily said. "Aria, Ava my sweet" Alison asked.

"She's not gonna shave her head" Aria said. "Yeah, Ali even you know that" Ava said.

"Spencer you're worse than my father" Alison said. "Come on Spence give it a rest" Ava said.

"Sorry but I did just procure nine votes from the debate team" Spencer said. "Wait that's a good thing right" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, and uh procured means to obtain with special effort and obtain means to gather" Spencer said when Alison interrupted. "Are you gonna recite the entire dictionary" Alison asked.

"I think that Hanna should be who she wants to be" Spencer said. "Fine but you better wear the tightest skinny pants you can fit your big butt into" Alison said.

"Ali stop Hanna is perfect the way she is" Ava said. Emily phone went off and they all stopped walking when Emily grabbed it. "Ben" Aria said.

"He's all about me going as a sexy cop for Halloween but I'm thinking Indian girl" Emily said. Suddenly a car pulled up to the girls.

"What a shame all that testosterone and not a sheep in sight" Alison said.

"Careful Alison see I get your jokes but someday you might meet a guy who doesn't" Noel said causing Alison to laugh. "So am I gonna see you at my party on Friday" Noel asked Aria.

"Uh I didn't know we were invited" Aria said. "You're Ali's friends right" Noel asked and a car horn blew.

"Come prepared to be scared" Noel said and drove off. "Wait did we just get invited to Noel Kahn's Halloween bash" Hanna asked. "Kinda seems like it" Ava said.

"I'm a little embarrassed by how excited you girls are it's just a party" Alison said.

"Ali it's not just a party it's the party" Spencer said. "You're right and I'm happy we'll be there together" Alison said.


"We should all get ready together Spence you've got the biggest bedroom let's have it there" Alison said. "Is that cool" Spencer asked. "Yeah" Hanna said.

"Okay" Spencer said. "Hold up I think there's somebody in there" Emily said. "Like whom a ghost" Ava asked.

"Are you just trying to scare us" Hanna asked. "No, I swear I just saw someone in the window" Emily said. "Well kids go in there all the time around Halloween it's like a rite of passage in this town" Spencer said.

"It's probably nothing" Ava said. "Wish they'd just tear this place down already every time I walk by here, I get the creeps" Aria said.

"It's just an ugly old house Aria" Alison said. "I can't explain it I just I don't know I just I feel like something really bad happened here" Aria said.

"There's nobody in there come on" Spencer said. "Hey as much as I would love to get ready with you guys I can't I have to get ready at home or my brother will lose his mind looking for me" Ava said.

"Meet you at the party" Hanna asked. "Yeah, see you then" Ava said and left walking home.


Ava was at Lacrosse practice watching Mike admiring him as she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

Mike looked at her smiled and waved causing Ava to look away. "Someone has an eye for the little brother" Alison said sitting next to Ava. "Shut up" Ava said.

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