8) Maya's website

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"Mona's trying to help us why else would she give us this" Hanna asked. "Emily's still on the phone" Aria said going over to Ava. "She seemed to take it okay didn't she" Aria asked.

"She found her dead girlfriend's website it's a lot to take in" Ava said.

"What like we should be used to hearing from ghosts by now" Spencer asked.

"Spencer why can't you admit that she is trying to help us" Hanna asked. "Hanna did you ever stop to think why Mona would want to help us" Spencer asked.

"Because she's afraid of something just like we were afraid of her" Hanna said. "I don't know" Spencer said.

"Yeah, you don't know but the cops are still after my blood" Hanna said and Ava quickly got a text and looked at it before sighing. Aria noticed but Ava quickly put her phone away.

"I told you my mom will handle that" Spencer said. "I hate needles" Hanna said going over to Ava.

"Okay look whether this is fake or not we've got to figure out what's on that site" Aria said. "Hey Em, everything okay" Ava asked once Emily walked over.

"It was Nate" Emily said. "What did he want" Aria asked.

"I promised to hike up with him to the old boat house told him it was Maya's favorite spot in Rosewood" Emily said.

"You're not gonna like tell him about this are you" Spencer asked. "If I did that I'd have to tell him how we know about it" Emily said. "And we definitely don't want that" Ava added.

"Em what do you want us to do about this" Aria asked and Emily stayed silent. "Do you mind if we try and break into Maya's site" Hanna asked.

"We have to" Emily said. "Okay um well how do we get past the password" Aria asked.

"It's just a password there are ways of cracking it" Spencer said and Emily went to the computer typing in a password only for it not to work.

"Thought I had an idea of what it was guess I don't know her as well as I thought I did" Emily said and shut the computer. Ava looked at the time and sighed.

"Hey guys I gotta go but I'll see you later" Ava said. "Where are you going" Hanna asked.

"Thought it was time I tell Noel about me being his cousin" Ava said. "You sure you want to do that" Emily asked. "No but he's my family so I have to at least for me" Ava said and left.


Ava took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She waited a few moments already debating on leaving. Noel answered and saw Ava.

"Ava what are you doing here" Noel asked. "I think I'm your cousin" Ava said and gave him the papers. Noel looked at the papers before looking at her wide eyed.

"Come in" Noel said and Ava hesitated before doing so. "So is it true" Ava asked.

"Yeah, it's true but from what I've been told I assumed you were dead" Noel said and sat down causing Ava to sit next to him.

"Excuse me" Ava said. "Look Kate your mother she never wanted kids she always said that they were a burden" Noel said and Ava stayed silent.

"So, when we found out Kate was pregnant, we were surprised she even tried to stab herself just to be rid of you if it wasn't for my mom she would have" Noel said.

"She hated me that much" Ava asked. "Kate she's someone who was never meant to be a mom you're better off without her" Noel said and Ava nodded.

"And when she ran off mom and I figured she finally found a way to be rid of you at least that's what she said before she left" Noel said.

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