19) person of interest

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After being questioned and answering everything they knew about the video along with everything else and giving their statements one on one. The girls met back up with each other in the hall. "Whoever said the truth will set you free never met A" Hanna said.

"This A person really needs a vacation" Ava said. "Jesus" Emily said, and everyone looked at her. "It's from the Bible Jesus said it" Emily said.

"Then Aria's right because that witch is gonna wish she never messed with us" Ava said. "I wasn't completely honest in there I should have been but my mom was right next to me and with the whole Wren thing I couldn't bring myself to say that I also hooked up with Ian" Spencer said.

"Ugh it gets grosser each time you say it" Ava said. "That has nothing to do with this" Aria said. "I lied about it too Spence" Emily said.

"You know sometimes telling the truth does more harm than good" Hanna said. "Who said that" Spencer asked. "Ali" Ava said, and Garrett came over. "Hey Emily" Garrett said. "Garrett" Emily said. 

"You're a cop now" Aria said. "Look uh sorry they're putting you through this" Garrett said. "Officer Reynolds" Detective Breyer said, and Garrett looked seeing Detective Breyers motioning him over.

"Probably wants a refill on his coffee and another jelly donut" Garrett said. "Yeah, I'm sure that's it" Ava said and Garrett left.

"He looks good in a uniform" Hanna said. "Ugh Hanna gross" Ava said. "Oh, what do you know your dating Mike" Hanna said and Ava just shook her head at her.


Spencer was with Ava and Toby at a motel after Toby checked them in no longer being able to stay at the house. "Are you sure you wanna stay here" Spencer asked Toby.

"I can't handle another fight with Jenna I don't wanna go home till my parents get back and there's no way I'm leaving Ava alone with Jenna and I don't think your parents are gonna offer me the guest room maybe Ava but not me" Toby said.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Ava said. "It's my fault she's making your life so miserable" Spencer said. "I didn't have to take her phone" Toby said.

"How does she know it was you" Spencer asked. "She doesn't but with Jenna suspicion is enough" Toby said. "I really am sorry" Spencer said.

"Don't apologize it's okay" Ava said. "Ava's right it's okay my folks will be back on Monday and they're usually a decent buffer" Toby said.

"You never talk about your parents" Spencer said. "Trust me it's better that way" Ava said. "Neither do you" Toby said to Spencer. "Yeah, well the house of Hastings isn't exactly my safe place to land right now either" Spencer said.

"Sorry Spence" Ava said. "Spencer if Jenna has anything to do with you being framed, I'll do whatever I can to help you" Toby said. "Thank you" Spencer said.


Ava was at her locker when she felt arms around her waist. "Morning" Mike said making Ava smile and he kissed her on the cheek. "Morning" Ava said, and Mike let go of her waist and went to face her. "Got your text about you staying at a motel till Monday" Mike said.

"Yeah, Jenna is being a little much so Toby and I are just waiting for our parents to get back or really more his parents since my father could care less if I was there" Ava said.

"You don't need him besides you'll be out of that house soon" Mike said.

"Hopefully" Ava said. "You will I know you will okay and until then feel free to sneak out and find me if you ever need to" Mike said and Ava smiled.

"You're the best" Ava said and Mike smiled before putting his arm around her and they walked off.


After school Ava went with Mona shopping. "What about this one" Mona asked Ava showing a dress. "Too flashy" Ava said, and Mona picked another. "Too casual" Ava said.

"Okay would you just pick one" Mona asked. "Hey, I thought we came here for you" Ava said. "So, you deserve one too especially with what you been going through" Mona said.

"Mona I'm fine" Ava said. "Ava please I'll buy" Mona said. "Fine" Ava said and helped Mona look. "How about this" Ava said and pulled out a dress.

"It's perfect just like my best friend" Mona said. "I'm not perfect" Ava said. "Well, your perfect for me" Mona said and Ava smiled.

"What did I do to deserve a bestie as amazing as you" Ava asked. "I don't know but come on I'm starving" Mona said and they went to pay for the dresses before going to lunch.


Ava was at the Montgomery House with Mike in his room as they were playing video games together. "How do you always beat me" Mike asked before turning the game off.

"Practice I guess" Ava said and Mike smiled. Ava checked the time and saw it was getting late. "I guess I should get back to the motel" Ava said.

"Or you could stay here awful late to walk alone it's not always safe" Mike said. "Stay here with you" Ava asked. "Why not you've stayed here before" Mike said.

"Yeah, with Aria when you and I were just friends you're my boyfriend now" Ava said. 

"Okay but just because we're dating now doesn't mean everything's changed just stay here at least for tonight" Mike said.

"I have nothing to sleep in" Ava said and Mike took off his shirt giving it to Ava while she tried not to check out Mike's abs.

"Now you do go get changed I'll be right here" Mike said and Ava nodded leaving while Mike got in the bed.

Shortly Ava came back and put what clothes she had on in her bag not realizing Mike was checking her out since all she wore was his shirt. Ava turned around and faced Mike.

"Well," Ava said. "You couldn't look more beautiful" Mike said and Ava smiled before getting in the bed laying on his chest and Mike covered them up before turning off the lamp and falling asleep.


Ava woke up shortly later and put her jeans back on when she got a S.O.S from Spencer and rushed off to meet them seeing Aria and Hanna as she made her way to them.

A moment later Emily arrived and came over. "What's going on in there" Emily asked.

"Did she send anything else" Aria asked. "Just the SOS" Hanna said. "Is that Mike's shirt" Aria asked Ava recognizing the shirt.

"Yeah, I was staying over when I got the message, he lent me his shirt to sleep in" Ava said and Aria gave a look. "Oh, don't we didn't sleep together" Ava said. "Yet" Hanna said. "Shut up" Ava said and all their phones rang.

They all got their phones out and saw a message. "Breaking news liars" Aria said.

"Spencer Hastings is now a person of interest" Hanna said. "In my death" Emily said. "A" Aria, Emily, Ava, and Hanna said.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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