1) It happened

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Murders and friendships

(Episode 1-24)


After five months of the girls finding out Mona was A who was currently locked up at Radley.

Ava was currently with Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily. "Em you and I are the only ones who did anything worth talking about this summer I mean Aria took some boring picture class with Ava and Spencer went to college" Hanna said.

"Hey Aria and I promised each other we do at least one thing together this summer" Ava said.

"I took a full load at Hollis and Aria and Ava both beat out thousands of applicants for a space in that photography class" Spencer said.

"So how many houses did you build" Hanna asked Emily. "Uh I think we finished about six" Emily said. "And In poor countries one house is like a home for fifty" Hanna said.

"Okay Miss Productive how much of your list did you actually do" Spencer asked Hanna.

"Let's see cooking class with Caleb done volunteer at the animal shelter for pocket dogs" Hanna said. "Wait that exists" Spencer asked.

"Did not do expand my vocabulary effectuating interned for Verna Wang" Hanna said.

"You got an internship for Vera Wang" Emily asked. "Yeah, I changed my mind turns out they want you to work for free" Hanna said. "Was that a car" Aria asked.

"No, it's just the wind" Hanna said. "We're the only ones here Aria it's okay relax" Ava said and Aria smiled at her.

"Oh, careful Em they're already pretty strong" Aria said seeing Emily pouring another drink.

"Maybe for you you're a pixie I've gotten really good at this" Emily said and all their phones rang. "Show me your boobs - A" Spencer said reading the text. "Classy" Ava said sarcastically. 

"Does Mona have a ten-year-old brother" Aria asked. "A, for annoying" Emily said. "Are these ever gonna stop" Hanna asked.

"Eventually we'll be old news" Spencer said. "Yeah, if we're lucky" Ava said. "Yeah, and then, Garrett will go on trial, and we'll be news again or Mona will start talking and we'll be news again" Aria said.

"Or I'll show someone my boobs and we'll be news again" Emily said. "Okay" Spencer said laughing.

"Hey, I thought this was a party" Emily said. "You know what you're right Em welcome back" Hanna said. "And you're never allowed to leave for an entire summer again" Aria said.

"I'll drink to that" Ava said. "To making it to senior year including Ava apparently who got bumped up to our year" Spencer said.

"What can I say having an amazing GPA helps" Ava said smiling and they all clinked glasses.

"Not all of us made it" Emily said. "I'm sorry Em I didn't mean it like that" Spencer said. "To Maya" Emily said and took a drink. "Em you know that we're here for you" Hanna said.

"To Maya" Ava, Spencer, Aria, and Hanna said and they all took a drink.


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