The Pauper and the King

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Come, sit, come all from all around, 

Both pauper and king take a seat upon 

The ground. 

With words that are combined, 

Tell of our enduring love defined, 

And of all your flowering grace, 

Blossoms the jewel that is your face. 

Love is not biased, its choice is from fate, 

And though it should speak of joy, instead it 

Speaks of hate. 

As the sun that envied the moon, with stars to 

Accompany its sky, 

Like the sun I stand alone, with you forever 

Passing by. 

A king without his crown, is as worthless 

As the dirt. 

Now he knows the pauper, and understands 

His hurt. 

How wondrous words can be, when they 

Form a tale, 

How spectacular is a ship, when it sprouts its sails. 

These words are at their end, 

This message I must now send. 

I must bid my love farewell, 

And I shall see her in heaven, or in hell.

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