My Pain

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Do you know of pain, the sting of a 

Lover's kiss, 

How often have I yearned, that this day 

Had gone amiss. 

What have I done wrong, to deserve this 

Horrid fate, 

You say you want my heart, well I serve 

It on a plate. 

You will not hear me beg, nor plead for a 

Better life, 

This pain I do deserve, and this pain is 

Now my wife. 

If the wind should blow, hear my 

Whispered voice, 

Give me access to your heart, and the 

Wind shall then rejoice. 

The land is put in darkness, your heart 

Is cold as ice, 

I've lost all sense of what is joy, now 

Nothing is looking right. 

Still I bare the pain, that never will 


I feel it to my dying day, until death 

Gives out its squeeze.  

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