Protecting Spirit

16 1 0

I see the rising sun, and the enemy has arrived, 

Now we all shall know which one of us shall 


If it's not my day then bury me this night, 

Say a final prayer and carry on the fight. 

If you see the sun then take your sword to hand, 

The battle is not over, we have not yet claimed 

This land. 

There is more to suffer, and even more to die, 

But how can we succeed if we do not even try? 

This was not our choice, but we're here nonetheless, 

So fight my noble brothers, for truly you are the best. 

March to meet our foe, and show him of your rage, 

If they should not die then throw them in a cage. 

Soon it all will end, then we drink and feast, 

This is our reward for cutting down the beast. 

I am always with you, my spirit wonders near, 

I am your protector, t'is you that I hold dear. 

And with the faceless moon, see me watching down, 

Though I may be dead, I now wear the crown. 

If you come to join me, I open up my arms, 

Now you know of peace and the storm has finally calmed.  

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