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If any man has come to fight, let him now 

Be heard, 

Let his sword move fast and swift, to deliver 

His deadly curse. 

I do not fear any man, for none have struck 

Me down, 

Until the day that I am beat, only I shall wear 

The crown. 

I see your heart as hard as stone, but still 

Will serve no good, 

I'd advise to turn back now, you should've 

Ran while you could. 

The moon has come and night is here, 

Peaceful as death itself, 

All the stars look down on you, guiding 

The path to hell. 

How brave you are to stand your ground, 

Foolish though it is, 

Many a man would have turned in fear, 

But to you the fight is bliss. 

Does this make you strong? Or does it 

Make you weak? 

Either way by end this night, your chances 

Are looking bleak.  

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