Fall of a Great Power

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If ever there was justice, you would let

The mighty fall,

But if you wish for peace, you must 

Prepare for war.

So bring about your army, and march

Upon the sand,

But just know that your fate, is in the palm

Of my hand.

The future is in darkness, but soon there

Will be light,

But how could one cherish the day, having first

Lived the night?

If the mighty are the sun, the feeble are

The faceless moon,

Neither will bring you victory, for they both leave

Far too soon.

And so your army trembles, before the power

Above your own,

How can you hope to defeat a king, if you

Dare not take his throne?

If the willing are not able, the battle is

Already lost,

A line wad drawn in the sand, and that line

Has now been crossed.

Courageous though you were, your efforts 

Have been in vain,

Surrender is not dishonor, surrender will

Not bring you pain.

T'is I who wears the crown, upon my 

Regal head.

And t'is I you must now serve, for I 

Can make you dead.

A Thought Without YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora