3| new feelings

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I guess during my marathon of The Hunger games, I had fallen asleep since I was abruptly awoken by several knocks on my door. I groggily sat up confused, with my movie still playing on the tv. I turned over to my nightstand to see the time read 7pm. What?! How could I have slept for that long?

That mattress really did do wonders.

"Come in" I finally answered to stop the annoying knocking.

Easton walked in looking in a much better than before, changed out of his swim suit and now in regular clothes.

"Hey sis we're gonna go grab dinner, wanna come?" He asked with a cheery smile on his face. One thing about Easton was that he was always in an upbeat mood, unless it was morning.

My stomach growled loudly, answering for me causing us both to burst out in laughter. I guess my stomach wasn't too happy about my long nap.

"Yeah sure let me just get ready" I said turning off the movie.

"Okay we'll be downstairs" He said before closing my door as he left.

Stretching, I got myself out of bed. I brushed out my bed head as it had looked crazy, my hair going in all types of directions. Finally getting it to look decent I did some light makeup and went to find a outfit.

The weather was pretty nice here but since it was night it would be a little cooler so I decided on a pair of denim shorts and a grey pull over hoodie.

I threw on my black converse and sprayed my favorite perfume, looking at myself in the mirror I was happy with how I looked. Grabbing everything I needed I headed downstairs to meet the rest of the group.

After each step I had took I grew more nervous, I wasn't sure why or if it was about a certain person but my stomach twisted at the idea of walking into that large sea of boys.

"Hey i'm ready" I spoke to Easton as I reached the front door where they had all gathered.

"Okay great let's go" He said opening the door to let us all out.

As we were walking to the car one of the boys spoke up. He was blonde and buff, sort of reminded me of ken I thought making me laugh to myself.

"How are we all going to fit?" Ken asked looking between us and the two cars in the driveway, i'm assumed one was Easton's and the other was one of theirs.

"Oh shit I didn't even think about that" He scratched the back of his head looking around.

"I brought my car we can split up" Landon spoke up, grabbing his keys from his back pocket.

"We better still game plan on the way there. No way Eastwood is beating us this year!" One of the other boys spoke up causing them all the agree.

"Avery do you mind riding with Landon?" Easton asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah that's fine, see you there" I said before walking with Landon towards his car.

"So what's Eastwood?" I asked. There was going to be a lot of things I would need catching up on before I started school, It was like I needed to relearned everything.

"It's our rival team school. We play hockey." He explained.

"Hockey? In this weather?" I questioned.

Wasn't hockey a winter sport? Nothing about this beach town is wintery!

"Yeah I know it's weird but it's kind of just what this town does. Plus it's an indoor sport so weather doesn't affect it" He laughed at my confusion. I'm sure it was different for him too since I didn't know much about this place.

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