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After a couple of what was supposed to be relaxing weeks, it was finally time to leave. The first few days I stayed home alone until my father surprised the both us of by showing up. He didn't stay for long nor did father-son bonding with me but it wasn't like either of us minded.

Thankfully we didn't have to be back at school yet but we had other plans, it felt like we were always bouncing from one thing to the other.

I drove my car down the familiar roads as I reached the house that had felt more welcoming than my own. Over the course of this break I had more home cooked meals and family time here than anywhere else.

Stepping out of my car I walked up the front porch to knock on the door.

"Landon! Nice to see you sweetie come in" Susana greeted me. She always had the warmest smile that would make anyone feel at ease.

"Thank you. How's everything been going?" I asked as if I hadn't been here and known.

"Good, we're preparing for Christmas once you kids get back from your trip. You're always welcome to join us of course" I followed her into the kitchen where she gestured me to take a cookie from the pile on the plate.

"Shit!" We heard before something tumbled down the stairs as I bit a piece of the cookie.

Looking at each other with worry we followed the sound to see multiple suitcases at the bottom of the steps with Easton looking down at them.

"Well that was one way to bring them down" I chuckled watching his frustrated expression.

"Oh hey man, I didn't even see you" A smile now appeared on his face as he came down to meet us, doing our handshake.

"Want some help bringing to the car?"

"Yeah thank you"

He handed me a few as Susana held the door open for us. Good thing I had brought my bigger car otherwise all of our stuff wouldn't have fit.

"I hope you have some extra space. I decided to bring someone along"

Easton smirked as he leaned on the side of my car.

"Who?" I looked at him questionably.

"Her name is Lacy. We met a few months ago after one our games and we've been getting pretty serious"

"What? How could you have not told us" I playfully hit his arm. "I'm happy for you though"

It was nice seeing Easton like this, he hadn't had a "real" girlfriend since our sophomore year in high school. This also meant he couldn't make fun of me and Blake for always wanting to be with our girls now.

"Thanks man. I thought it was finally time for you all to meet her and what better way"

"I'm sure the girls will love her. Avery's always complaining that we leave you out since your the third wheel. Or would it be fifth?"

"Ha ha" He responded sarcastically.

We walked back into the house to see if Avery had finished packing and was ready to go when I saw her struggling to bring her stuff down the stairs.

"Are you crazy" Rushing to catch the falling luggage I took them from her hands and brought them down.

"Hey! I didn't know you were here yet" A smile appeared on her face as she rushed down to hug me, ignoring everything that just happened making me laugh.

Wrapping my arms around her I kissed the top of her head. "Ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited. I hope I packed enough for the cold" She looked down at her bags worriedly.

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