14| nuisance

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Landon's words rung in my head as I continued to get ready for school, and yes I was going. No more excuses since the year was almost done, the only thing left to do in class was to "prepare for end of the year senior duties" or whatever that meant and the random work teachers felt like giving.

It still felt surreal that high school was almost over, I would be graduating and moving on. It made me sad to think about at first but then I realized that I never liked it anyways.

I looked at the gorgeous blue dress hanging in my closet, teasing me of my memories with Landon in it. After he had left our house that night, I haven't seen him. We've texted a couple of times but with his busy schedule it's hard.

My pulse increased at the thought of being around him in a few hours, maybe going wouldn't be such a bad idea. It's not like he can miss it all too.

I threw on a simple outfit, consisting of black shorts and a white t shirt. I left my hair down and grabbed my book bag before making my way downstairs.

Excitedly, I burst through the kitchen waiting to see what delicious meal my mom made for breakfast when I noticed it was empty. I looked around in shock for a moment before I heard someone coming in.

"Oh mom, did you wake up late?" I asked turning to face them.

"Yes sweetie I did" Easton replied in a woman's voice.

"Oh my god, you scared me" I placed a hand over my chest.

"Aw, no breakfast today?" He slumped.

"I know, did you see them?" I agreed, asking.

"No not since last night. They could've just gone out early"

He dramatically walked over to the fridge, opening it to look through its contents for anything to eat.

"Yes!" He yelled causing me to jump.


Easton looked over his shoulder, grinning, before turning to me holding a large plate of waffles.

"I knew she couldn't forget about us" He spoke sympathetically with a large grin.

"Ooo hand me some" I rushed over with a plate filling it.

After breakfast, it was time for us to leave. We decided to take one car since it would be easier and we're off on the road.

The quick 15 minute drive was over as we stepped out of the car and to the large building. I still couldn't get over how big this place was, hoping I wouldn't get lost.

"I'll see you at lunch" Easton waved off before going to his first class. I waved back, going in direction I needed.

The dark blue locker slammed shut as I took everything I needed out, startling me I turned to see a tall girl with eager eyes.

"Lydia! Jeez, are you trying to give me a heart attack" I caught my breath.

"Sorry, but I have something important!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"Okay. Spill"

We walked side by side as I listened to her talk about the senior trip. 

"I hope you're going, I need someone to shop with before we go!" She turned to me with puppy eyes.

"I'm not sure. I haven't talked to my mom about it but I will today" I answered truthfully. I still didn't know much about it other than what I've heard, nonetheless it sounds fun and I would be happy to go but it also made me nervous.

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