28| make a wish

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I was back home. It had a different vibe to it now but I tried to push that away, I wasn't going to let someone ruin something my mom worked so hard on for me. Although I was grateful to have a home again, I did miss living with Landon. Our late night talks and movie marathons made it even harder to leave.

Hearing soft knocks on my door, I sat up from my bed stretching out my arms. "Come in" I yawned. 

The door opened to reveal my mother who walked in with a large grin on her face. "Happy birthday sweetie!" She exclaimed before walking over to the side of my bed, placing a tray of food on my lap. Sitting at the edge of my bed my mom cupped the side of my face.

"18! Isn't that something"

"Don't cry mom" I pulled her into a hug. She had always been very sentimental, especially about birthdays. Growing up we never had the extravagantes of parties or even presents but she always found a way to make it special.

"Well. I'll let you, it is breakfast in bed after all. There's a few things planned for later" She winked as she sat up, sending one last comforting smile before walking out.

Looking down at the tray in my lap, my eyes lit up when I noticed she had placed a cupcake. It was my favorite kind; red velvet with cream cheese frosting. She even added the number '18' in pink frosting on top!

I devoured my eggs and toast before licking my lips while unwrapping the delicious looking sweet. Before I could place it into my mouth, someone was knocking on my door urgently. I rolled my eyes with a frown since I had to wait, and called out for the person to enter.

"Avery, I thought we were past this! The guys are for sure going to kill me this time" Easton barged in shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Looking at him like he had two heads, I cocked my eyebrow at his words.

"Um hello, it's your birthday?! When we're you going to tell me" He crossed his arms. "They still hold it against me that I never told them you were moving in until you were here" Rolling his eyes, the laughter I was trying to hold in slipped.

"I'm sorry it's not funny, I should've told you" I responded covering my mouth. "Why would they even care it's not like i'm celebrating" Easton walked over closer to take a seat as I shrugged.

"What? Why not" He asked curiously trying to pick off of my plate.

"This is my birthday breakfast" I swatted his hand away. "I don't know, I never have before it just seems weird to now"

He was able to sneak away a piece of fruit from the assortment in the bowl causing me to scowl.

"Okay but I can't promise that'll go over well with them" He laughed standing up. "I'm going to see if Susana made any extra"

Chuckling to myself as the door closed; I finally took a big bite of the fluffy red cake. Maybe today could be fun.

After finishing up my food, I had decided to get ready for the day. Walking into my en suite bathroom I took a much needed shower and finished my after routine.

I had felt a lot more refreshed, going to my closet to pick an outfit. Still not having a clue what the plans for the day were, my phone went off buzzing as I received a call.

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