4| convinced

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I sat up rubbing the sleep off my eyes as the bright sun shone through my window. Way too sunny for the mornings, i'll have to remember to keep my curtains closed from now on. I walked into my en suite to brush my teeth and do my skin care when I heard clanking noises coming from downstairs.

I threw on a sweatshirt and made my way down to figure out where all the noise was coming from. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom cooking.

"Oh hey mom, morning" I yawned taking a seat at the island.

"Morning sweetie. Just trying to make breakfast" She laughed.

"Hmm so your who was making all that ruckus" I joked.

"Hush and eat your waffles" She laughed.

I loaded my plate with waffles, fruit, whipped cream, and of course syrup. Some would say this is a lot for breakfast but it sounds perfect to me.

My mom looked at me funny due to all the sugar I was eating this early but she knew there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"Where's Greg?" I asked after I had taken a bite, my mouth full.

"He had to leave early for work. I'm about to head out after I finish washing this last dish" she answered placing the plate in the drying rack.

Even though my mom necessarily didn't need to work anymore, she didn't want to stay home and be bored so she decided to take up a job at Greg's office doing small things. This way she stayed busy while also being near him, sounds perfect to me.

"Oh okay. I'll see you both later then, have a good day" I smiled.

"You too sweetie, see you soon. Make sure Easton gets some too" She pointed to the plate stacked with waffles.

"Will do" I answered as she walked out the door. 

I continued to eat as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Easton had walked into the kitchen looking disheveled but I'm starting to think it's a usual thing.

"Morning sleep beauty" I laughed looking at his state, one of his pant legs were rolled all the way up and his hair was sticking up like he had just been struck by lightning.

"Good morning" He said sleepily, that was before he saw the food my mom made.

"Waffles! Why didn't you say anything" His face instantly lit up, swiftly grabbing a plate full of food before joining me at the island.

"They're the best, my mom has perfected them" I laughed.

"Mm I agree" He replied with his mouth stuffed.

"Gross chew first!" I laughed covering my eyes.

"So did you have fun yesterday?" He asked wiping the syrup from his mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah It was nice, your friends are cool" I said picking at the fruit on my plate.

"I'm glad, they seemed to like you to. Just a warning they're usually always here unwanted or not" He laughed.

Anyone could tell that their friend group had a tight bond, and I was happy Easton had friends like that. It also made me sad when I realized that currently I had no friends other than him.

"Speaking of them, would you want to join us tonight? There's a party to celebrate the last game we won Thursday!" He asked.

"Congrats! Id love to but parties aren't really my thing" I frowned.

"I understand but if you change your mind you'll have us there! And you could meet some people before school starts" He replied supportively.

Maybe he was right, it would be good to meet some people before school had started. Plus I would have them there incase I felt uncomfortable.

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