37| stalker

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We walk into the new bar chosen by one of the guys on the team. Since it was his birthday he mass invited the school to meet us here and basically took over the place.

I followed closely behind Avery as she lead the way, my hand on the small of her back. Neither of us were sure where to go but it was pretty easy to spot our group of friends. They were gathered at one of the tables higher up from the rest of the place screaming their heads off and taking shots.

After going around the table and greeting everyone we took whatever available seats there were before a round of shots started.

The loud music blasted around us, making it hard to hear much.

Little by little the table fizzled out from people going to dance, talk, or drink. Looking over we all burst out laughing when we saw Easton in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by a large crowd.

We weren't sure what he was doing but the people loved it. I'm not sure when he took up breakdancing but it seemed like it was his new hobby from the looks of it.

"Hey i'll be right back, Lydia and I are going to get a drink. Do you want anything?" Avery said close to my ear with a hand on my chest.

My breathing slowly picked up as I looked over her.

"Yeah sure, a beer please" I replied before kissing her cheek with a smile.

Soon after, her and Lydia were off. Some people I had met recently stopped by to ask if I wanted to get shots with them but I couldn't concentrate on anything other than Avery.

I could see that same boy that was staring at us when I got her from class and my conscious instantly heightened.

Avery was having too much of a good time laughing about whatever her best friend said to her to notice this creep watching her. The classmates who were once standing near me seemed to have got the hint and walked away once I stopped giving them any mind.

My foot tapped anxiously as I watched, the girls still waiting for the bartender to come up to them. What's taking so long?

I was immediately on my feet and walking towards her when I noticed him get closer. Bumping through people without caring or saying sorry, I made it to her side but not before he did.

My blood was boiling at this point, what did he want?

"Hey babe everything alright?" I asked her but stared straight at him.

Lydia took this as her chance to get away from the situation as I wrapped a possessive arm around Avery's shoulder. She clearly looked uncomfortable yet he just stood there with a smile.

"Yeah, sorry I haven't got the drinks yet" She said as she got closer to me, leaning into my touch.

"A beer and a vodka cranberry" I looked over to the bartender who began working on our order.

Turning back around the kid was still standing there. Okay, now this is getting weird.

"Can I help you?" I asked a bit more sternly this time.

"No, I wanted to talk to Avery" He replied finally looking at me, crossing his arms.

"What?" She piped up from under me.

"Privately" The stalker cleared his throat. Usually I wouldn't use that term lightly but he definitely falls in that category.


"She's not going anywhere with you so you can either say it here or not at all" Getting annoyed now I gave him a tip lipped smile while I waited for his reply.

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