39| home

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It was now holiday break and it was exactly what I needed. Ever since reporting James things have gotten much easier, he's left me alone since the restraining order was sent out to him and every dorm on campus has better security.

After packing up what was left of my clothes it was the first time I felt sad leaving it. Although the bad memories, Lydia and I have lived this place up to the fullest. Granted we had only been here for a few months but the place really did feel ours. 

Multiple suitcases lined our room as the vibe changed.

Since coming here Lydia and I have grown closer as well as everyone else. It sucks saying goodbye but we'll be back with each other quicker than we know it. Plus my mom has been dying to get us back home.

"See you soon! Tell Susan and Greg I said happy holidays, maybe i'll be able to stop by if my dad doesn't cram activities in everyday i'm there" My best friend joked before pulling me into a hug.

"I will. And that sounds like a plan, see you soon!" Once we said our final goodbyes Blake had helped her bring her stuff to the parking lot.

Just before I was about to get ready and leave, I heard a knock on my door.

I looked through the peephole now paranoid but that instantly changed as I lit up. Quickly unlocking the door I swung it open and greeted the boy who stood in front of it.

He looked amazing in his casual wear, black sweats and a matching hoodie. His scent of the familiar cologne is what sent me over the edge.

"Hey! I thought you weren't going to be able to leave today?" I asked in shock to see him. He had told me he had to stay an extra day to prepare for the heat coming up with practices.

"Coach let us off, said we've been working hard enough" His grin widened. "We can drive down together now"

We had all decided to go home during this since it had been a while.

"That's great! Let's get going before my mom asks where I am again" I smiled at the thought, she was especially impatient during times like this.


We were now about an hour into the drive and I was wrapped up in a blanket in the passenger seat. Landon's hand fell to my knee as he drove with the other hand, our favorite songs playing over the speakers.

Deciding to take his car since I wouldn't need to do much driving and it would save gas. It was also a bonus that his had seat warmers.

"Oh there was something I needed to talk to you about" Outstretching his arm he went to turn the dial and lower the music.

"Yeah? What's up" I slightly turned my body towards him and waited.

"So me and the guys were talking last week and we want to do a winter trip"

"That sounds fun, where?" I eagerly asked. I loved how much we got or wanted to travel with each other. 

"We're thinking Colorado, it has the best black diamonds there!" Now he was the one who was excited.

"I didn't know you did skiing" My eyebrows bunched.

"I don't" He chuckled. "We snowboard. There's also some beautiful lakes and outdoor rinks for skating too"

"I don't know how to do any of that but i'll definitely go" I giggled in response.

I know, both my brother and boyfriend are hockey players and I don't know how to skate. But to be fair I've never liked hockey before them either.

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