24| roomates

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It had officially been a week since the break in. Due to all the damages done to the house, our parents had been staying in a hotel about an hour away. They offered to buy Easton and I our own rooms as well but it would be hard to do anything with it being so far, so we decided to stay with our friends instead who kindly offered after hearing the news. We only had so little time before summer was ending and I didn't want to waste it because of some criminal.

Thankfully Greg had a camera attached to the front gate where it could've caught the intruder, he handed everything off to the police already and now it was just a waiting game until we could move back in.

After the whole craziness settled down a bit Easton had gone to stay with Parker who had gladly let him crash for as long as he needed, in their eyes it was just a big sleepover.

It was probably the most emotion i've seen come from that boy.

Lydia was instantly concerned, inviting me over before I could call to ask. She had helped keep me calm which I was thankful for, although I still had trouble sleeping. I kept worrying that if I did, something bad would happen again keeping me awake for hours on end.

I had stayed with my best friend for this whole time and as much as I love her, we both need our space. Not wanting to overstay my welcome I was going to call my mom to let her know I wanted a room when Landon had offered up his house.

Hesitant at first, I was contemplating since I didn't want to intrude. We had also just gotten "back together" if that's how you could describe our situation and wasn't sure how this would work out.

"I promise this is okay. I already asked my father and he doesn't give a shit about what I do in the house when he isn't there" Landon reassured as I jumped into his fancy car. I waved bye to Lydia thanking her for all she's done for me.

His dad won't be there? I didn't know we would be alone. My overthinking took over, not able to stop every possible scenario from running through my head good or bad.

"Okay. Thank you for doing this Lan seriously, it means a lot. If the house isn't done for a while let me know whenever you get sick of me" I lightly laughed pulling the seatbelt over my body and clicking into place.

He pulled out of the gardened driveway with one of his arms resting on the back of my seat giving me the perfect view of his sculpted side profile.

"I could never get sick of you" He scoffed.

"You say that now but when you have to see my morning hair every day that might change" I shrugged causing him to laugh. Within the span of 10 minutes he had changed my entire mood making me forget for a moment about all of the bad things.

The drive to his enormous house had come to a stop, even with being here before the sight was always enough to take my breath away. I can't believe I was going to be staying here... and with him.

Making his way over to my car door I smiled to him as he helped me out, grabbing my bags from the back.

"Do you need some help?" I asked as I watched him struggle to try and pick them all up.

"No I got it" He waved off, waddling to his front door.

"Be careful not to tip over" I tried to hold in my laugh but it was no use. I bursted out in a fit of laughter once I saw him unlocking the door and trying to stay balanced.

"Hey I got it all in, right"

I giggled, following his lead upstairs. The house was quiet other than our footsteps hitting the marbled floor it. With how large it was it looked silly that just two people were occupying it.

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