35| trouble

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It was a Friday night and our first night out as college students. To celebrate my captaincy some of the team invited us to a club not far from school, mostly everyone from SCU had gone there.

Thankfully they also hooked us up with some fakes since it was our first year and we were still underage.

They even scored Avery and Lydia one too so they could join us. No way I could celebrate without my girl here as well. Now that she was my girlfriend I hated when we were apart. Not to be sappy and shit but I felt better around her.

Blake had already picked up Lydia and had offered to give Avery a ride to the club since I was running late but I hadn't seen her in forever, I wanted every second I could get.

As I pulled in front of her dorm building I put the car in park before walking in. I tried to ignore the multiple stares but it was nearly impossible when they were coming from everywhere. I shrugged it off, walking into the elevator up to the third floor.

Knocking twice, I heard her footsteps reach the door as it was yanked open.

She stood there looking beautiful, with a black mini skirt and a black shirt to match. Her high black boots made my eyes widen.

"You like?" She blushed noticing my glares.

"Oh, Yeah. You look amazing" Placing my hand at the side of her waist I leant my head down to kiss her.

I held her hand as I lead her out to my car, now on our way into town.

"Here you go" I smirked as I passed her the ID,"Clarissa".

"Really? Clarissa out of all names, I don't even look like a Clarissa!" Avery laughed at the fake name. I meant it when I said I could listen to that noise all day long.

"Hey I didn't choose it" I defended.

"Let me see yours"

"It's in my wallet can you grab it" Asking as I eyed where it was, not able to get it since I was driving.

"Yeah sure" Reaching over she dug into my front pocket.

I now realized this was a bad idea since her hand had been a little too close and now there was no denying the tent in my pants.

"Oh my god, Robert? That's even worse" Now she was full on laughing.

"Whatever you say Clarissa"


Walking into the club felt like watching it on the movies. There was people everywhere you went and the lights were practically off, only the colorful strobe ones lighting up the area.

The bouncer had let us in no problem and we were on our way to find a table. Blake and Easton had texted us that they had gotten a table now we just had to find them.

After about 10 minutes of searching in the dark, we spotted the large group. I went around to greet everyone while Avery went over to sit with Lydia and the boys.

"Isn't this place crazy?" Blake acknowledged once I joined them. Sliding the seat out I slumped onto the hard cushion.

"Yeah this is sick, way better than those frat parties" Easton added with a dismissive wave.

"When did you go to a frat party?" I asked as we all looked at him confused. This was the first I heard about it and i'm guessing everyone else's too.

"Oh like two days ago, Johnny invited me" He pointed down towards the table to a blonde haired boy.

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