12| the big game

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The cool breeze filled the arena as people piled in. Sitting close to the players, I watched as they practiced before the game started in about 15 minutes. This was my first hockey game so I didn't know much about it other than this game was important for them to win. I'm glad Landon warned me about dressing warm since it had been much colder than I thought.

I looked down to see my outfit, I had changed into a pair of leggings and his black hoodie he lent me with his jersey over it, smiling when I remembered the text he had sent me after I left the party.

It'll be cold so wear something warm.
But make sure my jersey goes on top for me to see ;)

Some of the other players girlfriends sat here, as well as the boy's friends from school. The curly haired girl next to me turned to speak.

"Hi, i'm Lydia! I'm not sure we've met yet" She smiled widely. Her dark curls fell over her shoulders contrasting her deeper skin tone, she was jaw dropping.

"Hi! I'm Avery, and I don't think so I just transferred here" I lightly laughed.

"Nice what school did you used to go to?" She seemed interested. I hadn't made too many friends from school yet unfortunately so I was glad Lydia was sat next to me.

"I actually moved here from Wisconsin, it was some small high school" I waved off knowing she would have never heard of it.

"That's sick, isn't like rainy, mysterious, vampire diaries over there?" She asked excitedly causing me to laugh.

"Sort of, the gloomy and rainy parts are true but unfortunately no Stefan or Damon" I played in. "Do you come to these games a lot?"

"Yeah sometimes but this is my first time so close, i'm usually further back. Blake invited me today" She blushed.

"Ooohh are you guys together?" I dragged wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"No no but we have been hanging out recently" She smiled.

"What about you?" She asked looking out to the players.

"Oh so um long story short Easton's now like my step brother. But Landon's the one who got me the tickets" Myself,  now the one blushing.

"Are you guys together" She bounced her shoulders leaning towards me, repeating me question.

"We've been hanging out but that's all" I nervously answered. The topic of Landon always seemed to have my brain all confused.

Lydia and I continued talked until we heard the announcer come on. The people in the stands roared as each team skated out.

I watched as Landon swiftly moved on the ice, scoring the first point. Our side jumped up, cheering for him as his face popped up on the big screen. As he skated back to his position he passed where we had been sitting, pointing to my jersey before winking.

Lydia turned to me with a knowing smile and I jokingly rolled my eyes, blushing.

The other team was good as well, defending themselves from our players to not get any more points. After a tense couple of minutes with pushing Eastwood had scored their first point.

"Damn!" Lydia yelled from beside me. Jumping from my seat at the sudden noise she turned and mouthed a quick sorry before continuing to watch, I was amused at how invested she was in the game.

After the second quarter, both teams had skated off for their break. The score was currently 4-7 with Eastwood beating us by just a little. The boys looked obviously upset, Landon being the worst. They all knew how important this was for colleges with the scouts watching, a state title over the head would be a big boost.

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