22| one too many

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Sand filled my flip flops as we walked onto the dark beach, the only light coming from the multiple fires and sparse tiki torches. My simple sundress flowed as the wind hit me thankfully not cold enough to cause shivers. According to my best friend, we couldn't show up on time so here we were half an hour late.

"Isn't this so cute!" Lydia pulled out her phone to start snapping pictures. I giggled to myself, her camera roll had to be full! Anywhere we went she was probably somewhere getting some photos.

"It is. Who threw this?" I asked looking around. I wasn't really sure who invited her if it wasn't one of the boys but to be fair, they're really the only people I know that she does too. Her social circle was by far bigger than mine everywhere we had walked someone had come to say hi!

"Julie and John throw this every year, they're the schools 'it' couple. They're right... there!" She scanned the crowd before pointing out a blonde who was sucking a guys face off, pinned to a tree.

"Oh wow" I laughed. I had seen the two around school before but this was the first time I was putting the name to the face, and this was definitely one was to do it.

"Enough about them, let's get some drinks" She smiled as she lead me to one of the kegs. Pouring us both a full cup, we sat on a broken tree branch staring at our surroundings as we drank and talked.

My mouth puckered at the taste, still not used to the burning sensation.

"I'm so glad you and Landon are good again. It's nice to see you happy instead of curled up in bed" Lydia joked, taking a big gulp.

"Thanks. Me too, it's easier to be with him then without. I hadn't realized how much I liked him until that whole thing happened and I was crushed" I followed, downing my cup as I tried not to let it come back up. I knew if I didn't start drinking it I never would.

"I know what you mean, boys are dumb! At least some know how to fix it" She shrugged.

Going to go grab refills, I slightly felt a buzz as the music blasted. Looking at each other with the same thought we ran over to where it was coming from.

Careful not to spill our cups we moved to the beat. I'm not sure how many drinks or songs later but we were both wasted. My feet were aching, too tired to keep dancing or standing. I went to go sit somewhere near by that was quiet enough to think, letting Lydia know where I went so she didn't worry. I was amazed at how much stamina that girl had. I left her to dance not wanting her to miss out.

I pulled out my phone and saw a missed text. Trying to unlock it with my passcode, I finally got in and opened it to see who it was.

Having fun?
This dinner is so boring, thankfully it's almost done.
I miss you.

My heart began to beat faster as I looked over the words, typing my response.

Aww u miss me.
Me too btw

With a satisfied grin, I stared down at the emoji that's covering it's mouth attached to the last text.

Are you drunk?

Maybe a littlee

Are you with Lydia at least?

Unexpectedly, yours Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ