25| letting it out

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With Avery now staying with me the house didn't feel nearly as cold or empty. Even when my father was around it still had that vibe to it, which was now replaced by something unfamiliar. For times like this i'm happy that he's never home; always off somewhere fancy for business.

This morning I was woken up to the sound of banging and clacking around making me instantly concerned. After everything that went down I jumped to my feet, running downstairs to find out what was going on.

"Oh hey! Good morning" Avery smiled walking between the stove top and the sink. "What's got you all in a rush?"

My worried expression changed the second I saw what she was wearing. My shirt... and only that.

"Oh um, nothing. I heard noises coming from down here" I shrugged before walking around the island and coming up behind her, not able to get over how good she looked.

Placing my arms around her neck, she leant into my hold continuing to chop up fruit. "Good morning" I smiled kissing the top of her head while sneaking a strawberry.

"Sorry about that" She blushed. "I was trying to make breakfast before you woke up"

"That's okay, i'm still hungry" I laughed. "What're you making?" My stomach growled once the smell of her pouring the pancake batter to cook filled my nose.

"Pancakes! With fruit of course"

"Sounds great" Letting her go to finish, I took a seat at the island watching as her face scrunched before she would flip them or the concentration she used to measure the right amount. 

Avery grabbed a spatula from one of the utensil holders before making both of our plates. After stacking a few she loaded them with the mixed fruits she had cut up before placing a dish in front of me, hers next to it.

"Whipped cream?" She smirked.

"Yes please" I answered nodding almost immediately. There was a few ways I could think of using it.

I chuckled to myself, I removed the thought as she excitedly walked over to the fridge pulling out a can of whipped cream and grabbing the syrup. While she was doing that, I decided to grab two glasses to fill with orange juice.

"This looks amazing" My mouth watered before I picked up my fork.

"Thanks, I hope you like it" She gleamed, going to take her own bite.

"Mm" We said at the same time causing us to laugh.

"I didn't know you could cook" I turned to her after already devouring my first one.

"A few things" Avery brushed off. She picked at her fruit while watching me go to town on her food. I wasn't much of a sweets person but knowing Avery, she could change my mind about anything.

"Well if it's all as good as this then I can promise you I'll love it" Laughing lowly I waited for her to finish up before taking both of our plates to the sink. It had taken longer than I expected, but that might be because I basically inhaled the whole thing while she graciously enjoyed it. 

"Oh I can do that don't worry" She tried to stop me. Could she get anymore perfect?

"You already cooked the least I can do is clean" I reassured. "It's only two plates".

"I know, but you've been so kind and letting me stay here. I want to help you out too"

"You're helping me by being here, the amazing cooking is just a plus" I smiled, "But i'm still cleaning these". 

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