23| home alone

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I sat down at the lunch filled with the people I had finished my senior year with. Now that it was the last day of school, I wouldn't be back here  until graduation. It had hit me all at once that high school was ending, and the rest of my life would start. It was a bittersweet moment.

The idea was nerve wracking but time wasn't going to slow down. We needed to make every day count before summer was over and we would all head our separate ways. Even though I had only met these friends a few months ago, we had grown close and I don't know where I would be without their help showing me around or inviting me to places I would've never seen or been to before. 

"I can't believe it's really our last day" Easton shook his head in disbelief. We all agreed, feeling the same way. He stuffed a fry into his mouth from off of his tray before the boy next to him spoke.

"And our last practice as high schoolers" Mark added.

"Crap I totally forgot about that!" Blake answered with wide eyes. The boys all turned to him, laughing.

"You always do! Coach's final goodbye to us I guess" Landon shrugged from beside me. He lazily rested one of his arms on the back of my chair.

Easton had reminded me of it this morning, driving myself to school since neither him nor Landon would be available. I didn't mind since whenever I was with them I never drove.

The bell rung as we all groaned, beginning to clean our table before we said our goodbyes. We had one last class before our last day was over. My time here at Bellwood had been unexpected, I thought I would hate it just as much as my old one but it just made me realize how fun school could've been if I had the right people. I was a bit sad that I was leaving once it started to get good
but I promised myself I would try and do the same in college.

Walking into my history class I took my normal seat near the back. I waited as the late bell was about to ring, wondering where Blake and Parker were since we shared this class.

Just before the teacher got up to close the door, the pair rushed through the door trying to make their way to the back without being noticed.

"Next time let's slowly enter, not like animals. This door can only withhold so much" The older man shook his head.

I laughed to myself as the boys took their seats.

"That was an entrance" I joked earning a smile from Blake. While on the other hand, I could only so much as hope for a positive interaction with the gloomy boy beside him. One day I would get a smile out of Parker.

"We got caught up talking to Mrs. Petis, you know how much she could chat your ears off" He scoffed.


The day was finally done, students quickly filed out of the building cheering and saying their farewells. The boys were still inside and wouldn't be done for a few hours.

Since they would both be busy, I decided to have a chill day. My weeks have been filled with parties and drama, a nice nap could help.

I walked into my house and it had seemed quieter than usual.

"Mom! Greg! I'm home" I yelled out. I waited for a response and was confused when I reviewed nothing back. Looking around I checked all the normal places they would be but came up empty handed.

I walk up to my room to put my school bag away as I searched for my phone. It has to be around here somewhere. Seeing it stick out of my sweater pocket, I reached for it dangling off the chair. Clicking my on my moms contact, the call rung loudly before it was replaced with my moms voice.

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