The Blonde Haired Blue Eyed Teen...

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Chapter 3: THE Blonde Hair and Blue Eyed Teen.

I got off the bus and stood outside of the Nando's I worked in.

Emma had text me a few minutes ago saying she was coming here to pick me up, we were then going to McDonalds for a deep conversation.

After about 5 minutes Emma's car pulled up and she waved me in,

I got into the car as she drove to McDonalds,

Once we got there we met up with Faith. The three of us then went inside, ordering our food before taking it up the stairs and into the seating area.

I sat down, taking off my leather jacket and putting my phone on the table.

"What's been happening then?" Faith asked,

"Yeah whats wrong? You seem so annoyed and when I rang yesterday you seemed fine!" Emma said,

I explained how Harry dumped me, what he said and then what Crayola and carrot face said to me.

I made my bestest friends cry with laughter when I rein-acted the bus scene.

"You Sam, are a legend!" Faith laughed,

"Haha thanks, but they were generally annoying me. I was ready to drop kick them but I thought happy thoughts like Caspar Lee." I smirked,

"Good, i'm glad cause you would have been in trouble if it wasn't for them happy thoughts." Emma laughed,

"Caspar seems to be the only one that can calm you down, make you happy when you're sad isn't it?" Faith asked,

"Yeah... I dunno what it is about him, his smile, his laugh, his personality. Just him in general. If I was to ever meet him, I'd thank him for being so perfect. For helping me. Thank him for being Caspar Lee." I smiled.

We'd all finished our food and were currently heading to the car to go home.

All of a sudden my phone started ringing,

"Heeeellooooo?" I answered like Marcus,

"Sam! We need you here quickly, the place is packed and we're short on staff. Hope theres no inconvenience and you'll get payed extra don't worry." Adam said panicking,

"Uh... I have to look after my little sister, Adam, I can't. I'm so sorry." I apologised,

"I'll take care of her till you're done at work if you want?" Faith asked,

"Seriously?" I asked Faith,

"Yeah then you can come pick her up after." She smiled,

"Adam! Yeah I'll come its fine, see you in half an hour." I mouthed Faith a 'thank you' and continued to walk to the car.

"Thank you! Ok see you in a bit." Adam sighed with relief.

I hung up the phone and got into the car.

"Thanks for the Faith." I smiled,

"Its fine. Just text your mum and tell her to drop her off at mine when they go." She smiled back,

"I will do. Emma can you drop me off at Nando's please?" I asked,

"Yeah course." She said starting the car and driving to Nando's.

Once she pulled up, I got out of the car thanking them both once more and entering the busy restaurant.

The only problem with this place was it was always busy!

Sure its gave us huge profit but the workers had to work extra hard.

I ran to the back room, putting my belongings away, taking off my jacket, putting on the shirt and my badge.

"Sam, this to table 13 please." Adam passed me a tray of plates,

"Kay kay." I said walking away,

I placed the plates on the table and turned around.

My body collided with another and I fell to the ground.

Looking up I saw a blonde hair and blue eyed teen.

Not just any blonde hair and blue eyed teen but THE blonde hair and blue eyed teen.

It was...

Caspar Lee.

Thank You Nando's! {A Caspar Lee Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now