Bradfords Baddest Bad Boy

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"Come on hun I'll drop you off at school before I go to work." My mum said grabbing her car keys and putting on her shoes,

"Ok, I'll be there in like 5." I said stuffing my last piece of toast down my throat and gulping down all of my orange juice.

I stood up and put on my black blazer.

I was going for a bad girl look today, my mum said I looked weird but, according to a few whistles that were heard by my neighbours 18 year old son Josh, I looked hot.

Thats all I was going for to be honest.

I needed to show Harry exactly what he could have had.

I got into my mums car and she drove off towards my school.

Yesterday was pretty boring, I spent the morning thinking about Harry and sobbing my heart out but them emotions were soon thrown away and replaced with shock and happiness when I got a notification on Twitter telling me the South African youtuber I met yesterday followed me!

Thats right people, CASPAR LEE FOLLOWED ME!

After that I realised, I wasn't going to sit around and let Harry take over my life.

I'm better than him.

My mum came to a stop outside of the school gates.

"Right, Have a nice day hunny and don't let Harry get to you. Love you." She kissed my forehead and I smiled at her,

"Thanks mum, love you too." I stepped out of the car, my hot pink heels hitting the floor and my leather leggings shining in the sun.

Taking a step out of the car I closed the door allowing my mum to drive away.

I walked down the school drive hearing whistles as I walked past all the bad boys.

I heard gasps as I walked past the groups of sluts.

Then I saw nerd boys standing there drooling...

I felt an arm place its self onto my shoulder,

"Damn baby! You look hot!" Harry said grinning,

"Get the fuck off of me." I spat,

"Don't be like that sexy." Harry lent over and pecked me on the lips,

"Do you not understand that she said fuck off?!" A hand grabbed Harry's arm and flung it off of my shoulder,

"Zain...." I sighed with relief,

"Well, well, well if it isn't Bradfords baddest boy. I thought you weren't coming back??" Harry smirked evilly,

"I wasn't gonna but then I thought I cant let Sam be alone with a twat like you." Zain said, anger seeping through his perfect teeth.{A/N I AM AWARE ZAYN MALIK FROM ONE DIRECTION SPELLS IT WITH A Y HOWEVER THIS IS NOT ZAYN MALIK FROM 1D SO PLEASE DO NOT CORRECT ME AS IT IS SPELT LIKE THIS ON PURPOSE. Thanks :)}

"I wouldn't fucking mess with me Malik." Harry warned, he stepped a little closer as though to threaten Zain,

"I'd beat you any day Lawson." Zain said stepping closer to lower Harry from his threatening position.

"Whatever." Harry turned and stormed off.

Ass hole.

"Thank you Zain." I sighed giving him a hug,

"Its fine Sam, I'm always here to protect you from people like him." He kissed the top of my head,

"I'm so glad you're back. Promise me you won't leave me in this hell hole by myself again." I pulled away with a frown,

"I'm glad i'm back too and I promise." He chuckled, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the school doors.

"So I'm guessing you heard about us not being together anymore..." I drifted off,

"Yep, saw your relationship status and couldnt say I wasnt over the moon! He's a jerk Sam, totally not worth your time."

"I know, but I was so blinded by my love for him I couldn't see how much he didnt care for me." I sighed,

"I know you were, but its better it happened now than never." We came to a stop outside of our lockers.

Zain Malik.

You're probably thinking,

OMG Zain from 1D?!?


So similar, they look so much alike.

The only thing thats different about them is that Zayn Malik from 1D is protrayed as a bad boy but he isnt.

Zain Malik, my pretend brother/best friend, is a bad boy. He'll kick anyones ass if they hurt me or annoy me. He has that protective side to him and it comes in handy.

Zain is beautiful, hes like a god, but I don't like him like that. He's like a big brother to me.

"Right lets get to lessons, I made Mrs Henderson change my schedule to the same as yours so that I can keep an eye on you and make sure you dont get into trouble." Zain smirked,

"I'm not a 5 year old you know!" I stuck my tounge out,

"Sure doesn't look like it at the moment!" He said flicking my nose,

"Shut up..." I giggled,

"Come on then." Zain said turning around from where he was a few steps in front of me,

"Coming! Wait for me!" I ran after him.

'Maybe school wasn't gonna be so bad after all, now that I have my bad boy back.' I thought smiling to myself whilst running after Zain who was jogging ahead.

"ZAIN! WAIT FOR MEEEEE!!!" I laughed.


Hey guys! Oh my dayz! I am so so sooooo sorry for my late upload! I used to have a thing where I'd upload like everyday but I had to stop that, because I have had my phone taken off of me :( WORSE THING EVER!

I used to write a chapter everyday in my free time but now I have to wait till I get time to go on the laptop then make the story!

Anyway you guys probably don't care and if you're reading this far then you're amazing and I love you guys so much!

Thanks for reading, make sure to share, vote and comment!

The next chapter will be up as soon as I can upload it :) xx

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