20 - dušan vlahović

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"I can't believe that's the first thing you say to me the morning after our wedding."


I woke up to the bright and sunny skies of Turin, Italy. I quietly rolled over on my side while admiring my now handsome husband Dušan.

I gently brushed some hair that was covering his handsome face. As I was starring at him the memories from yesterday came back and flooded my mind.

To say the least yesterday was the most craziest but, best day of my life. Yesterday was the day Dušan and I were officially pronounced husband and wife. Dušan and I met a few years ago at one of his games through a mutual friend.

This friend happened to be Federico Gatti. At the time, Dušan was new to Juventus and started to become friends with Fede who also happened to be pretty new to Juventus as well.

One day Fede invited me to watch him play and of course I couldn't say no especially because this was one of his first games playing for the Bianconeri. I made sure to look my best that day while also making sure not to over do it.

I lightly curled my hair and did some elegant makeup. I put on some concealer,  blush and bronzer before swiping some mascara onto my long lashes.
Then I put on some wide legged ripped jeans that still highlighted all my curves before slipping on my Gatti Juventus jersey that was gifted to me by Fede.

Fede had sent a car to pick me up that day while making sure I got there safety. I know what you may be thinking but, it's not like that and it's never been like that.

I've always looked up to Fede as my older brother and he's always looked up to me as his little sister. Plus he's in a healthy relationship that I support and I am very happy for him. Recently, my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me and the reason behind it was long distance.

I'm sure you know him, the infamous Theo Fernández. He plays for AC Milan and the French national team. Anyways, that day Juventus ended up wining 5-0 against Roma.

Gatti scored the first goal and right after him this player that I hadn't seen before scored. I managed to make out a number but not a last name. The number read 7.

Flash back:

"You played amazing tonight! I'm so proud of you." I told Fede while hugging him. "Grazie I'm so glad you could come see me play. Really, Nat it means a lot to me." Fede replied while hugging me back.

"Anyways, Nat there's someone that I would like for you to meet." Fede said while stepping aside. There he was. The mysterious number 7 who also scored in tonight's game.

"Ciao, I'm Dušan. Dušan Vlahović, Fede has told me a lot about you." The handsome man spoke while extending his hand. "All good I hope,
Natasha Spinazzola." I replied with a smile while continuing to shake his hand.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Dušan complimented causing me to blush. "Grazie." I replied while tucking some hair behind my ear.

Knowing Fede he took the hint and quietly slipped away from where Dušan and I were talking.
"So, the team is going out for drinks tonight wanna come?" He asked. "I don't know, I usually don't drink." I truthfully told him.

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