12 - christian pulisic

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"Darling, it's my job as you're husband to take care of you."


It's been about a month since I've last seen my husband Christian. Christian got called up to play and represent the USA in the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

Right before Christian got called up for national duty I gave birth to our daughter Camila. Christian and I decided we would match our daughter's name to a
C just like ours. Christian, Chiara and Camila our little happy family.

It pained me once I found out I had to do the whole parenting thing by myself especially because, I had just given birth and Camila wasn't even a month old when Christian left.

Over the past month it's been lots of late FaceTime calls due to the time different in Qatar and the US, two word text messages and constantly watching Christian play over the tv.

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I lazily rolled out of bed while limping on my left ankle. A few days ago I had fallen off the counter while trying to grab a plate from the cabinet.

I would have just asked Christian to get it for me because he is much taller then me considering he stood at 5'11 and I stood at around 5'2. Since then I've been so busy trying to tidy the house, taking care of Camila and supporting Christian while bring long distance has been very hard.

I haven't even been able to take a proper shower or eat a proper meal because I've been having to take care of Camila by myself.

I limped into Camila's nursery before standing in front of her crib. I gently picked up my baby girl before placing a soft kiss on her head. "Shh Cami,
it's alright mommy's here." I replied sitting in the rocking chair while gently swaying Camila side to side.

"C'mon baby girl please calm down." I gently asked her barley keeping my tired eyes open. It made me so frustrated that I couldn't even calm my own baby down, it made me start to doubt if I was a good mother.

"Chiara." An unknown voice spoke up.

When I realized who it was I immediately opened my eyes and looked up. It was my husband Christian.
Christian immediately walked over to me before placing a kiss on my head and taking Camila from my arms while he looking at me with a concerned look.

Once Camila was in Christian's arms I immediately ran to Christian and I's shared bedroom making sure to shut the door behind me. I gently sat on the floor while my knees were pressed against my chest while crying.

I tried to quiet my loud sobs by muffling them into my sweater while trying to calm myself down.

After a few minutes the house went silent. Camila was no longer crying the only sound that echoed throughout the entire house was the heavy footsteps approaching our bedroom. Suddenly I heard the bedroom door creak open.

"Chiara, my love look at me." Christian said crouching down so we were on the same level while tiling my chin upwards before placing the baby monitor on the table.

My teary eyes were met with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Come here." Christian said while bringing me into his arms. I gladly accepted his hug. As Christian pulled me into a hug
I just melted in his arms. All my worries suddenly washed away even if it was only for a minute.

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