23 - kai havertz

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"I can't wait to be your wife."


"Meine Liebe, wake up." He gently shook my shoulders. When I looked up it was him. My long term boyfriend of 5 years, who is the famous footballer for the Germany national team and Arsenal, the man himself, Kai Havertz.

"Liebe, what time is it?" I asked him while slightly sitting up. "10 after 3:00 am. Our flight is at 5." Kai spoke while tossing my hair over my shoulder. I nodded once I heard his words and hopped out of bed and made my way inside of the bathroom.

I quietly turned on the shower before stepping inside. I was met with the warm comforting stream from the shower. I felt the warm water droplets run down my entire back which relieved some tension from my body.

The last few weeks I've been under a lot of pressure. I've been working so hard in university trying to get my degree and to top it off ever since Kai announced that he was moving clubs people assumed that I was the reason as to why he was leaving Chelsea which is completely false.

It didn't exactly help that I've had roughly about 11 panic attacks in the last month and that my hair was falling out due to all the stress. Kai decided it would be a good idea to go on vacation just the two of us.

Over the last few months Kai and I's relationship has gotten a lot stronger. I don't know if it's because we've gone thorough a lot together and have overcome our differences but, I know we've gotten a lot stronger as a couple and individual people.

Kai and I met each other back in Germany. Actually, we met back in high school so technically we were high school sweethearts. We met through some mutual family friends. At the time, my cousin Joey was dating Kai's sister Leah.

Joey dragged me along to a party that his girlfriend Leah was going to as well and who knew that her older brother Kai would be going. While Joey and Leah were off somewhere doing gosh knows what Kai and I accidentally bumped into each other while playing beer pong.

It was me against Kai while playing beer pong. Everyone bet that Kai was going to beat me that night considering he had way more experience at beer pong then me because he was older by 2 years but, they thought wrong.

I ended up beating Kai 43-14 that night and let me tell you I made a lot of money off of bets that night. Kai was so impressed that he asked for my number.

After being together for 5 years Kai told me that his first impression of me was this- and I quote! "It's a two for one, she's intelligent and stunning."

I still don't know if I should be offended or if I should take that as a compliment.  I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and stepped out of the shower while wrapping a towel around the small of my body.

I quickly wiped the condensation off of the mirror before drying off and doing my skincare. Once I was ready I made my way into Kai and I's walk in closet. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and one of Kai's beige oversized hoodies.

I slipped on my black Nike Airfoce 1s and noticed that Kai had already brought down my suitcase. I quickly hurried down the stairs almost flying across them to find Kai patiently standing at the front door with our suitcases.

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