14 - lionel messi

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"I don't want you seeing someone else because I love you!"


I woke up with the same sadness I've been feeling for months. It all started just a few months ago when Leo and I decided we would separate and take some time apart from each other and our marriage.

It was a really hard decision for Leo and I to make especially because we've known each other since he was nine and I was eight.

We grew up with each other basically being by each others side through all the good and bad times through our childhood and teenage years.

Just a few years later in our mid-twenties we were reunited by some mutual friends. The reason why Leo and I decided to take some time apart was unclear but much needed.

I strictly remember that day and I will admit it was one of the hardest days of my life. The day that me and Leo officially decided we would separate.

* Flashback *

"Oh baby, I'm so glad you're back, I picked up your tux for tonight. Also, Camila and Oriana thought we could go to the new steakhouse that you, Leo and Paulo suggested to us." I told him while closing my clutch.

"I'm sorry what? What do you mean dinner?" Leo asked confused. "Leo, don't tell me you forgot!" I shouted placing my head in my hands.

"You know what I don't need this! It's been a really stressful day. I've had training and what have you been doing all day huh?" Leo shouted back.

"Are you serious right now? I make sure you come home to a clean house. I make sure you're laundry is done. I make sure there's food to eat when you come home. And most importantly I make sure to make time for you when you need me because I am you're wife for goodness sake!" I shouted with anger in my voice.

"You know what I'm leaving. I'm going to dinner with our friends. Come if you want too." I finally said before slamming the door behind me. I angrily got into the car that was waiting for me outside.

As the driver was driving me to the restaurant where Leo and I were supposed to be meeting our friends I couldn't help but think that just a few months ago we were fine but, most importantly happy.

"Mrs Messi, we're here." The driver spoke up. Once I heard the drivers voice I quickly snapped out of it and hadn't realized I was crying. "Thank you so much." I replied with a weak smile before getting out of the car.

I calmly walked into the restaurant immediately scanning my surroundings. I was met with some familiar friendly faces. Leo and I's good friends that we met through the national team.

Leandro Paredes, Camila Galante, Oriana Sabantini and Paulo Dybala. We had planned this dinner just a few weeks ago I honestly don't know how Leo forgot. Of course, I couldn't tell my friends that so I lied right to their faces.

"Hola, amigos míos!" I said with excitement before hugging them all. "Hola mi amor." Oriana and Camila said before hugging me. Once we all sat down they all looked at me confused.
"So, uh where's Leo?" Paulo spoke up.

"Oh, he's not feeling well. He wanted me to tell you guys that he feels really bad and next time dinner is on us." I replied with a smile trying to lighten up the mood. The only response I got was a bunch of "oh's"

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