Kylnin' It

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After all four had been captured and taken to Nova Headquarters, Dey began to present each of them to Saal.

"Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together."

Then it was the raccoon.

"Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form."

Then it was the tree creature.

"What the hell?" Saal murmured as Groot titled his head curiously at the glass.

"They call it Groot." Dey began as Groot tapped on the glass. "A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant slash muscle."

Then it was the girl with the teeth, who was for some reason widely smiling and looking around.

"Neyzira. A hybrid Larkatan and Siren from Molzura, though from the corrupt, land side of the planet, meaning she's probably not fully educated. We believe she is part of some sort of clan but she refuses in questioning and has been doing bounty trips for the last few months. She is known to have emotional stability issues, and has already been brought in a few times. Not only is she here right now for the same crimes as the others, but also attempted cannibalism, as reported by . . ."

Then the man was last.

"Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by a band of mercenaries called the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta."

Peter winded up his middle finger and flipped them off. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know how this machine worked."

"What a bunch of a-holes." Saal murmured, making Dey smile. "Transport all four to the Kyln."

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Next they knew, they were all being transported to the Kyln, High Security Prison.

"Have any of you been to prison before?" Neyzira asked with a smile, they were all a bit thrown off-guard by her cheery, very Russian-sounding accent, but just by the way she talked, it was clear she wasn't very good with English. Peter looked very uncomfortable to be near her again. "I never have, I so excited but scared at the same time!" She happily exclaimed.

"You just tried to eat me!" Peter exclaimed in shock at how she was now trying to have a normal conversation with him.

"Was going to rip your throat out and then take orb, quit with dramatics!"

"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel." Rocket explained as they all walked in a line while handcuffs, Gamora in the front, followed by Peter, Neyzira, Rocket, and Groot. "But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped twenty-two prisons, this one's no different." Rocket shifted all his attention to Peter. "You're lucky the broads showed up, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now, and you'd be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers."

"I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon." Peter said blankly.

"Hold." The guard said, they all stopped walking as they were scanned.

"What's a raccoon?" Rocket asked.

""What's a raccoon?"" Peter repeated. "It's what you are, stupid."

"Ain't no thing like me, 'cept me." Rocket said as they are being led to their cells.

Peter put his attention on Gamora. "So, this orb has a real shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?"

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"So what?" Peter scoffed, turning back to Gamora. "What's the Orb?"

"I have no words for an honorless thief." Gamora glared.

"How about me?" Neyzira asked with a wide smile, Gamora just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac." Rocket said, Gamora shot him a look. "Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone knows who you are."

"Yeah, we know who you are." Peter added, he turned to Neyzira and Groot. "Who is she?"

Neyzira shrugged. "I am Groot." Groot answered.

"Yeah, you said that."

"I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan, I was betraying him." Gamora said. "I had an agreement to sell it to a third party."

"Which would be interesting, if any knew what a Ronan was." Neyzira scoffed with a laugh.

"I am Groot."

"Well, that's just as fascinating as the first eighty-nine times you told that." Peter said sarcastically. "What is wrong with Giving Tree, here?"

"Well, he don't know talking good like me and you." Rocket began to explain. "So his vocabulistics is limited to 'I' and 'am' and 'Groot.' Exclusively in that order."

"I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast."

As they walked, Peter spotted a Prison Guard with his Walkman headphones on. "Hey. Put that away." The guard pressed a button to close the door, but Peter walked in last second. "Hey! Listen to me you big blue bastard, take those headphones off, that's mine. Those belong to impound, that tape and that player is mine!" Neyzira gasped and the rest just stared as the guard stunned Peter with a stun baton. "Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973, that song belongs to me!" The guard stunned him again, as Hooked on a Feeling continued playing.

[A/N: I feel like I should clarify this. Using human standards let me explain Neyzira. She is ethnically and racially mixed, being Wasian, specifically half Japanese (like her face claim). But her planet of people speak their own dialect, Molzuran, which has tones that are a mix between Russian and French. So Neyzira has a Russian-sounding accent but isn't fluent in Russian, but her own language. Understand? You better.]

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