Assemble Alienation Syndrome

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"Gamora?!" Neyzira asked, almost afraid to approach her. "Is it really you?"

"Who are you?" Gamora asked.

Neyzira remembered that this was a different Gamora, which made sense due to her appearance and the fact she was there. "Right, different timeline." She sighed. "You haven't met me yet— We're friends," Neyzira told Gamora. "Really good friends. You're like an older sister or mother to me." Gamora stared in confusion at the comment. "That was weird, I don't know why I said that."

Nebula shook her head at Neyzira slightly. "It'll take some time, but it'll work out."

"I'm so glad you're back," Neyzira told Gamora. "Even though you don't remember me. I hope we can figure things out."

"Uh . . . I hate to break up this weird reunion thing, but we have to get this gauntlet out of here," Clint said.

Neyzira turned to him. "Uh, right, yeah. Let's go."

When she turned back, Gamora was gone and Nebula sighed. "I'll follow her."

"Nebula!" Neyzira called, stopping her in her tracks. "Thank you."

"For what?" Nebula asked.

"For bringing her back," Neyzira smiled.

Nebula didn't reply, but smiled in response before taking off after Gamora. Neyzira then turned to Clint, who was still looking baffled. "What the hell just happened?"

"It's a long story," Neyzira replied, as she and Clint began to climb their way out of the rubble. "Like Breakfast Club but we met in a prison."

"Man, you people are complicated," Clint muttered.

Neyzira took a deep breath. "Yeah, we know."

Once Neyzira and Clint emerged, a sudden crackling sound came from both of their communicators.

"Ca— . . ." Neyzira squinted her eyes a bit as she pressed her comm closer to her ear, trying to hear. "Cap, you hear me? . . . Guys, it's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Neyzira waited for Steve to reply to this Sam guy when her eyes saw a yellow portal begin to form in the distance.

"On your left," Sam chuckled as Steve turned to his left, just now seeing the portal.

Slowly, three figures come into sight. Okoye, Shuri, and T'Challa in their battle outfits.

Suddenly, Sam, in his Falcon suit, flew above the debris, making the heroes look up to the sky.

Then dozens of more portals began opening around the battlefield, some in the air and some on the ground.

Through one specific portal, Strange exited through it with everyone who was snapped on Titan. Neyzira slowly smiled and began laughing in both relief and pure joy when Drax, Mantis, and Peter came through, then seeing Groot arrive in another portal.

Thanos and his army watched, in awe seeing heroes from all over the galaxy joining side by side.

T'Challa shouted his war cry to his new, restored, and complete army, as they repeat their king's words.

Through another portal, Valkyrie in her own uniform sat on top of a pegasus, with the now larger Asgardian army wearing their gold armor.

Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts walked through their own portals, also bringing as many sorcerers as possible. In the sky, several Ravager ships were spotted, helping the situation as well.

As more and more heroes arrived, more recognizable faces such as Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, and Pepper Potts arrived.

Everyone had been magically teleported to the field with the portals. Everyone had been brought back.

"Is that everyone?" Doctor Strange asked as he looked over to his friend Wong, who hadn't seen him in a very long time.

"What, you wanted more?" Wong asked, almost sarcastic.

Suddenly, Scott emerged at a giant height from the rubble of the Avengers facility with Bruce, Rhodey, and Rocket in his large hand.

All of the heroes got into their battle positions, against Thanos' rising forces . . .

Suddenly, Steve had extreme confidence as he yelled to the hundreds upon hundreds of heroes.

"AVENGERS!" Steve shouted before he summoned Mjolnir into his hand.


The armies charged at one another, the battle cries filling the air.

This was it. The final battle.

The two sides collided in absolute war. The sound of guns and explosions heard for miles on end.

Heroes that haven't even met before joined together to take down this emanate threat.

Scott was the first one to send a punch to the Chitauri ship down, only one of many.

Tony and Pepper were both in the sky, fighting back to back against the enemy.

Neyzira fought in a blur, ripping, tearing, scratching, and biting at her enemies, jumping from one to the next.

Somewhere else amongst the battlefield, Thor and Steve fought next to each other, taking down Chitauri members by the dozens.

As they both summoned a weapon, Thor ended up having Mjolnir and Steve ended up having Stormbreaker.

Thor looked down at Mjolnir and then back at Steve. "No, give me that. You have the little one," Thor said as he tossed Mjolnir toward Steve before Steve gave Stormbreaker to Thor.

"Cap?" Clint called over the comms. "What do you want me to do with this damn thing?"

After ripping out an Outrider's throat and kicking it away, Neyzira cringed when she realized that she had left Clint alone. "Get those Stones as far away as possible!" Steve yelled.

"No!" Bruce argued. "We need to get 'em back where they came from."

"No way to get 'em back," Tony said. "Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel."

"Hold on," Scott spoke up. "That wasn't our only time machine."

A horn sounded out and Neyzira grinned. "Yes, Tiny-Man finally came in the clutch!"

"It's Ant-Man." Scott sighed.

Steve's voice came through. "Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?"

"Yes!" Valkyrie shouted. "But you're not gonna like where it's parked."

"Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?" Tony asked.

"Uh . . . maybe ten minutes?" Scott guessed.

"You get it started, we'll get the Stones to you," Steve said.

"We're on it, Cap," Hope replied.

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