A Semi-Denominational Guardians Holiday Special

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". . . And that's how Yondu ruined Christmas forever." Kraglin finished the story, Neyzira, Mantis, Nebula, and Drax all listening on the balcony of a Knowhere building.

"That is so sad." Mantis sorrowfully replied, Neyzira was more confused and shocked.

Drax laughed, causing the rest to give him looks. "I like the part where Yondu kicked over the tree." He continued laughing.

"Yondu sounds like a Scrooge." Neyzira said, they all gave her confused looks. "You spend as much time as I did asking Peter about Earth you start to remember their weird Christmas stuff." She folded her arms and leaned forward onto the railing further. "Still not sure why Kevin brutalized those homeless men like that though."

"Anyways, I just saw on the multi-calendar that right now on Earth, it's almost Christmastime." Kraglin said. "So, yeah, it kind of brings back some memories."

"Yondu had a point." Nebula added. "Ever since buying Knowhere from The Collector, we don't have time for trivialities like Christmas. This place needs a lot of fixing up before it's livable."

"Yeah, I reckon we've got work to do." Kraglin added.

"Yeah." Nebula said before she walked away with Kraglin following.

"That was such a heartbreaking story." Mantis said to Drax and Neyzira, still upset.

"I know." Drax agreed. "I hate stories where everybody lives."

Both their heads turned to Neyzira as she stifled a laugh, briefly covering her mouth. "I'm sorry, but when he kicked the tree—" Mantis stared at her angrily as Neyzira laughed.

Meanwhile, on the ground was Rocket and Cosmo, a telekinetic dog. She used her powers to put up a couple of panels.

"Cosmo, what use is telekinesis if you can't even aim?" Rocket asked, annoyed.

"You wanna do it? Do it." Cosmo spat.

"Just concentrate, you stupid mutt." Rocket grumbled. Cosmo barked before dropping the panels down. "What?!" Rocket asked, exasperated.

"I refuse to do any more work while you demean me." Cosmo protested.

Rocket held up his paws up in defense. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. Chill out."

"Also, I want one of those delicious treats in that bag."

Rocket groaned and dug his hand in the bag, then pulling out a treat. Cosmo wagged her tail and sat down before Rocket tossed the reat to her. She caught it and let out a bark. "Alright, that's it. Back to work." Rocket grumbled as she giggled.

Peter walked past them, signing something someone handed him before someone spoke up. "Hey, Peter." A voice called out, Peter stopped and turned to see one of the civilians, carrying a guitar and coming toward him.

"Oh. Hi, Bzermikitokolok." Peter greeted, slightly annoyed.

"My bandmates and I have been mastering these old Earth instruments and working on a little ditty. And I thought you two might be able to help us out as it's about one of your Earth traditions." Bzer explained.

"Oh?" Peter was intrigued.


"Oh." Peter said, in a slightly less enthused tone.

"Everything I know about Christmas I learned from Rocket, who learned from Cosmo, who learned from Kraglin, who learned from Neyzira, who learned from you." Bzer explained. "So I thought I might just take it back to the source and make sure I understand this all correctly. This is, after all, a historical document."

𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙂𝙎 - 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒙𝒚Where stories live. Discover now