fifty ; someone like you.

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Frankly, Alicia was not really the most athletically inclined person in the glee club, even with so many of their cheerleaders switching to the Trouble-tones. She wasn't even close. When Finn and Santana decided on a game of dodgeball to settle the brewing tension between them, Alicia had reservations. 

But everyone other than Kurt seemed enthusiastic about it. She persevered, despite how it went against the theme that Will and Shelby were trying to set for mash-up week.

In the end, it turned out that she was correct about her concerns. The new foreign exchange student, Rory, was bleeding profusely on the floor as Kurt wrapped an arm around him to steady him. Alicia and Blaine had both pushed forward before the other members of New Directions, but Finn was the person to volunteer to help take Rory to the Nurse's Office about Kurt shouted at Santana and the other girls.

The Trouble-tones left quickly, with Santana rolling her eyes and muttering about how they were overreacting. Alicia and Blaine exchanged an uneasy glance. It was obvious that this beef with the Trouble-tones was rapidly escalating out of control.

As the New Directions began to awkwardly file out of the gym, most avoiding looking towards the drops of blood where Rory was sitting, Alicia pushed through until she found Noah Puckerman. 

She latched onto his sleeve, yanking him to a stop. "Mind if we chat?"

Noah hesitated. He looked uncomfortable, but he nodded. "If you're gonna ask me to get Santana to chill out, I don't think I'm really her type."

"It's not about the Santana stuff." Alicia glanced around, lowering her voice even though the gym was vacant now. "It's about Shelby. I guess I'm still just . . . worried about you."

Noah groaned. "If you're gonna give me another lecture, save it. I'm not in the mood. Look, I know how I feel. And now that Shelby's subbing as my geometry teacher, it's way worse. It's practically uncontrollable, the magnetic attraction between us."

That was why Alicia had been so concerned. She'd overheard that Shelby was the substitute teacher for geometry this week. She'd begged Will to take her place instead, but Will looked genuinely horrified over the concept of mathematics. And a little suspicious at Alicia's intensity.

"I know it isn't any of my business, but this just-- it isn't a good idea, Noah."

"If I didn't know better, Hastings, I'd think you were jealous."

Alicia tightened her jaw. "I told you not to call me that. And I'm not jealous. In case you haven't noticed, I have a boyfriend."

At that, Noah softened. It caught Alicia off-guard. "Yeah, I did hear about you and Finn. He won't shut up about it. I'm happy for you, by the way. I always hoped it'd be Finn. Kinda assumed it'd be me, but that's all right, too."

Letting Noah's offhanded comments get to her wasn't worth the effort. Instead, Alicia tried to look past the arrogance and see the kindness. "Thank you. I know you guys have had your ups and downs, but Finn really does consider you one of his best friends." A pause. "Which is why I don't think he'd want you to get hurt, either."

"Maybe he'd think it would make us even. After all those times I stole his girlfriends." Noah gave Alicia a look that almost seemed appraising before shaking his head. "But things have changed. I'm a man now. And I don't want to steal girlfriends, I want . . . a woman-friend."

"Like a therapist, right?"

"Not unless you normally sleep with therapists."

Alicia resisted the urge to facepalm. It was getting harder lately, considering everyone's increasing crazy, but she was doing her best. "You don't. Um, Noah, look-- I know you haven't had the best experience with relationships, but maybe it's just a sign that you should focus on yourself."

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