fifty-nine ; i'm still standing.

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"Why do you hate my boyfriend?"

Alicia jumped, spinning around to face Kurt. She did a double take, but sure enough, there was no one else he could've spoken to in the nearly vacant halls. "What are you talking about? I don't hate Blaine."

Kurt shot her a doubtful look, leaning against the row of lockers. His arms were crossed. "Look. I'm significantly smarter than the neanderthals in this high school. I'm more than capable of connecting the dots. First, you tried to set him on fire the week he transferred--"

"That was friendly arson, for your information."

He ignored that. "Then, you seemed pretty indifferent to Finn's frankly appalling vendetta against him. After that, it was revealed that you're that sneaky little meerkat's long-lost sister, and don't even get me started on the Sam situation," he added in a whisper. 

She hoped it wasn't too loud when her stomach plummeted through the ground. "What-- what Sam situation?" It was useless. Kurt was one of the few people that read through her lies.

He shot her a blank look. That was expected. "Like I've already implied, I'm not stupid, Alicia. The kissing booth was painfully obvious. Then we had that conversation around Valentine's Day, and you weren't exactly subtle."

Guilt twisted Alicia's stomach into knots. She'd never intended to betray Sam. "Have you talked to him about it?"

Kurt exhaled, feigning interest in his flawless nails. His indifferent was flawed; Alicia could see through him, too. "Not quite. Of course it's come to mind, but I've never had to handle anything like this before. Usually there's a shortage of people interested in me, not having a boyfriend, then Sam and David . . . but this isn't about me."

Right. It was about her so-called issues with Blaine. Alicia sighed, shutting her locker door and readjusting her book bag. "Look, Kurt. I'm sorry if it seems like that, but I really do like Blaine. He's sweet, and I think you're perfect together."

"So you've been helping Sam because . . .? Really, Alicia, the casanova lifestyle is not for me, if that was your presumption."

Alicia sighed. "No, I know. It's just, I made a promise. And I take my promises very seriously. Besides, I can relate to Sam's situation."

Kurt delicately arched a brow. "Is it because you were interested in Finn when he was with Rachel, or Jesse when he was with Rachel?" A pause. "Honestly, it's no wonder that even you had a thing for Rachel, your life practically revolves around her."

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm going to politely pretend you didn't say that."

"Just try to be more considerate of Blaine, would you? He did take a particularly harsh blinding for the New Directions." Kurt shot Alicia a pointed look. He didn't need to say the rest: because of your brother

That was the entire reason she was still keeping her relation to Sebastian from the rest of the glee club, other than Finn and Quinn. She didn't know if she could take the inevitable jibes about her association with traitors from other Ohio show choirs.

"Yeah, I know, I just--"

"What are we talking about?"

Blaine's voice made Alicia feel like she had been tasered. She jolted, letting out an uneven series of giggles as she patted Blaine on the shoulder. "Just how amazing you are!" she chimned. Her voice was several octaves higher than usual.

Behind Blaine, Kurt facepalmed. 

Meanwhile, Blaine seemed peacefully oblivious. Mostly. There was a flicker of confusion, but he brightened soon enough. "Aw. Thanks, Alicia. That's so nice." Blaine turned to Kurt, who suddenly straightened out of his disappointed posture. "Why don't we spend more time with Alicia? It was so fun hanging out with the both of you last year!"

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