fifty-six ; never can say goodbye.

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It was difficult for Alicia to satiate her curiosity once it was piqued. She needed answers.

Quinn had been there for Alicia through many dark times. When Alicia asked Quinn for a favor, it didn't take too much effort to get Quinn to agree. Especially because, after she explained the apparent feud between Arabella and the mother of their competition's lead vocalist, Quinn's interest was equally piqued. 

Alicia might have stretched the truth a bit while informing Finn of her Saturday plans. He thought she was driving out to Westerville to visit their "outlandishly superior mall" with Quinn. But it was mostly the truth. They were still searching for something new, right?

Just new information instead of dresses.

Alicia had managed to subtly pry some information about Sebastian from Blaine after glee rehearsal on Friday. Apparently Sebastian's parents lived in New Albany, which was only a twenty minute drive from Dalton Academy in Westerville. But for some reason, Sebastian chose to stay at school during the weekends.

After that, it wasn't hard to discover the address of the Smythe family. It was one of the more expensive houses in New Albany; Mid-Century Modern, three-stories, and seemingly endless rooms. It seemed a little excessive for a family of three, but maybe that was Alicia's financial mediocrity speaking. 

The drive to New Albany from Lima took just over two hours. When they were finally pulling up to the pretentious house, Alicia's hands became clammy. She glanced at Quinn. "What if his parents file a restraining order?"

"They might," Quinn said casually, switching off the car engine. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Alicia hesitated before shaking her head. "I think I need to do this on my own. It shouldn't take too long. And-- thanks again for being willing to drive out here with me. It means a lot."

Quinn offered a delicate smile. "What are friends for?"

With a deep breath, Alicia escaped from the comfort of the car into the horrors of reality. She wiped her hands on her black skirt before slowly approaching the home. The garage was massive and tightly closed, so she couldn't tell if anyone was home.

One way to find out.

She rang the doorbell.

Silence. More silence. Enough silence that Alicia lifted her hand, prepared to ring the bell again, just as the door swung wide open. Alicia paused mid-movement, eyes flitting over the woman standing in the house. The woman's fingers were curled around the frame of the door, emphasizing her long navy blue nails. Her long brown hair hung to her waist while her wispy bangs fell into her sparkling hazel eyes.

Hazel eyes. Not green, like Sebastian's. 

The woman inhaled. "Arabella," she breathed.

Alicia froze. She'd planned a long dialogue explaining her presence at the Smythe house, but now, her entire script floated out of her head. Instead, she only felt horror. It took several breaths before she could speak. "So you do know my mother?"

Suddenly, the woman blinked rapidly as if escaping from a daze. She stood straighter, gaze shifting over Alicia's short frame. "You look exactly like her when we were young. Long blonde hair and those brilliant blue eyes . . . ." Despite the compliment, there was bitterness in her low voice.

Alicia swallowed. There had been a sense of unease clinging to her since Christmas Day, but right now, it was overwhelming. "Can I come inside?"

Visibly, the woman hesitated. Alicia assumed she would decline before eventually, she heaved a deep sigh and took a step back. She gestured for Alicia to step inside and Alicia, with some reluctance, did so. The door clicked shut behind them.

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